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Be careful out there people

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  mackem said:
Few weeks back there was an episode of sky-cops,the eye in the sky was looking for poachers decimating the fallow in Londons east-end,they got a shout some guys had been spotted with rifles on parkland,hovered above a few guys with a deer and rifles,kept them there as loads of plod huffed-and-puffed over a few muddy fields from their vehicles,guys were 100% legit and were culling excess animals,well done sherlock :whistling:


You will find that they didn't inform the land owner. Member of public saw one of them in the woods and called the police.


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you right to be careful i live right in the middle of where it was filmed and the new sgt wants nothing more than to really hammer a running dog man, he has a column in the local rag and does nothing but rant and rave about how scummy dog men are, virtually says all dog men are farm thieves. went into his police station for shotgun renewal and there is massive poster up with his crackdown priority list and top of it was poaching


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a van load of tea swilling cops :angel: .......... wasting time and tax

payers money :blink: ............. looking for a red beem..to save a couple of bunnies from being lamped :no:

...........what a joke. got enough to think about while out for a shine never mind that bloody lot...


all the best lofti..

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  jakeuk1 said:
Whats the worst that could happen to you if you got caught running a few rabbits on the lamp with no permission?

is it an arrestable offence? can dogs be confiscated?


i heard that you can get charged with "trespasing in persuit of game" mate if you get lifted!

if you get caught with hares that have been killed with dogs while poaching you can loose your dogs and van!

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Guest markbrick1
  jakeuk1 said:
Whats the worst that could happen to you if you got caught running a few rabbits on the lamp with no permission?

is it an arrestable offence? can dogs be confiscated?

civil case :clapper: i would say,except sunday were rabbit is classed as game but old law like being deported to aus for poaching,but its what they could plant on you but cant see any prosecution by the government for rabbit poaching being brought,might be wrong though,mark
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Guest markbrick1
  artic said:
  mackem said:
Few weeks back there was an episode of sky-cops,the eye in the sky was looking for poachers decimating the fallow in Londons east-end,they got a shout some guys had been spotted with rifles on parkland,hovered above a few guys with a deer and rifles,kept them there as loads of plod huffed-and-puffed over a few muddy fields from their vehicles,guys were 100% legit and were culling excess animals,well done sherlock :whistling:


You will find that they didn't inform the land owner. Member of public saw one of them in the woods and called the police.


are you a copper mate have you been????????????????????

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  artic said:
I think the police do a good job, well around my way, lets face it when we need them we phone them!!!

Police will always be slagged off, this was due back to the 80's pre PACE. Batons were used much more freely on members of the public who stepped out of line! and the media only printing off bad news about them, still nothing has changed!

They are in a very stressfull job which isn't easy, they are under paid, under staffed. Could you do their job? Bet there are a few on here who would, or even have tried to get into the police force, or who are in the police force!


The police you see out in the rurals are RURAL POLICE OFFICERS. They do not go into the town unless needed. Their patch is the rurals, so when you say "GO AND CATCH PROPER CRIMINALS, LEAVE US ALONE RUNNING OUR DOGS" Well they are DOING JUST THAT, pattrolling their patch hopeing to catch someone!! or maybe not, due to the paperwork involved lol......

Stay Safe.......... :thumbs:


the police are all a pack of wankers and are fat lazy b*****ds

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  lofti75 said:
  jakeuk1 said:
Whats the worst that could happen to you if you got caught running a few rabbits on the lamp with no permission?

is it an arrestable offence? can dogs be confiscated?


i heard that you can get charged with "trespasing in persuit of game" mate if you get lifted!

if you get caught with hares that have been killed with dogs while poaching you can loose your dogs and van!

it would take a brave or silly man to try take my dogs off me i tell ye,id find out where he lives ,where his wife works and i can tell ye he would wake up in a world of pain

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  Frank said:
  artic said:
  mackem said:
Few weeks back there was an episode of sky-cops,the eye in the sky was looking for poachers decimating the fallow in Londons east-end,they got a shout some guys had been spotted with rifles on parkland,hovered above a few guys with a deer and rifles,kept them there as loads of plod huffed-and-puffed over a few muddy fields from their vehicles,guys were 100% legit and were culling excess animals,well done sherlock :whistling:


You will find that they didn't inform the land owner. Member of public saw one of them in the woods and called the police.



Artic, are you the police? Or as Mark says, have been one now retired or what ever?


Frank, no im not the police, never been one. Im 31 years old, forklift driver. Im just educated. See once you get caught by the police you then become a little more educated, just like a missed fox, it gets educated!


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I would just like to add, the Hunting Act is upon us, and still on this site and others people are putting up pictures of their dogs catching hares, deer, fox saying "SHOT AND RETRIEVED" :whistling: come on yeah right!, its them who are ruining it for others! The chav lurcherman as Lurchergirl stated who dont give toss go out poaching in gangs, driving their vehicles over land, bragging what they did, how they drove on the land, using threatening behaviour what they would do to people if they get caught and how they got away from the cops etc.............

Its all this that attracts the police, RSPCA to their homes or area's.

So when one states this and debates the problem, people then think your a copper. :clapper:

There are probably loads of police watching this who do hunt and who dont and are on here for whatever reasons.

Like i have said before, why bragg, a proffesional poacher remains silient!! :thumbs:

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  Pops said:
i'm w/ the Irishman on this one. you and your gang of government thieves might take from me tonight when i'm alone, but come tommorrow i'll take everything you have and everything you're gonna have. i'm patient, and hold a grudge.

POP's less of the "YOU" like i said above. And its your behaviour that breeds behaviour on these sites.

Enough members on here know who i am, thats not a police officer for one, but a genuine man, who helps others in this society. As for the hunting, well my family are land owners here in England and we hunt all year round and are passionate with what we do. :thumbs:

Edited by artic
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