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whippets first night

Guest smashygadge

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Guest smashygadge

well ive had to lay my big dog up for some well earned rest .

so took my 3/4 whippet out for first night on the lamp .

well started out as a training exersice ,i didnt think she would do much if any .

but i have to be out at night .anyway what with the moon up not thinking their would be much out.

we came across 3 sitters for the taking she ran 2 well ,a bit taken back by her new job i think .

but the 3rd one wasnt getting away a lovely little run and well caught .brought back as well ,i didnt think she would because she dosnt come straight back when light goes out but a bit of coaxing she is coming round.so the dog i thought i wouldnt make much i think is looking at a great winter and saved me some bordem .wahey :victory: study the rabbit ooty lol :whistling:


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Guest smashygadge
  donnie1 said:
that bunny sure does look familiar :hmm:

whats the other quater of her make up smashy?

shes a nice un

hope she jus keeps getting better an better for you mate


1/4 grey bud .

iam happy as i say it was just for abit of a training.

but she got the 1 so i called it a night

and she is home happier and so am i .

and keeps me busy my big lads resting :victory:

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Guest smashygadge
  donnie1 said:
any improvement on the big fella?

magine her retreiving, im sick lol

how old is she?

take it she aintdone much then?



yes he is coming on now .over exurted bit of rest .pulled muscles.

im laying him up for some time tho.

the whippets 7/8 month now so i just thought a little lamp training.

and no she had done nothing .

picked a couple daytime mixies up so tonight was nice .

as in the day i cant stop her hunting up .

but she seemed to calm tonight so happy one really for 2 feilds :thumbs:

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Guest smashygadge
  donnie1 said:
glad the big fella gettin better..

be a big confidene boost for that young bitch then..

do her the world a good


still no sign of the mixi up this way..




well believe it or not the 2 she got summertime

are the only 2 ive come across so thats good at the moment.

and yes confidance is their lol

i just hope she simmers a little and we will be ok lol.

i like my big dogs ,and im over the moon he is getting better

he was my first an i got him at 2 week old so theirs a bond with him.

was the end of the world for me last week with him i thought .

but onward and upward :thumbs:

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Guest smashygadge
  donnie1 said:
know how you feel had my bitch since a puppy

dont think shed ever settle anywhere else now


amazin the bond you get, aint it


i aint wanna speak too soon

but aint been a mixi here all year


an very few last year

still getting the odd ferreted rabbit wae healed eyes tho



yes some can over come the mixi cant they :thumbs:

are you still getting you bitch out training .

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Guest smashygadge
  donnie1 said:
spending a lot a time dane the retreive

she dane it perfectly till she catches lol

then its just walk away an mouth them


gonna get her bakout again tomorrow night

see what happens


self and same as my dog began and a freinds

a long hard stressing road .

does she keep walking if you get up to her fast? :thumbs:

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Well done mate, the first of many i'm sure. She'll steady down after her first season. My pup Vixen was hyper before her first season now she's a force to be reckoned with on rabbits, either lamping or ferreting. keep us informed on her progress :clapper:

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Guest smashygadge
  donnie1 said:
no jus stands there mouthing it


she retreived perfectly last season

thats whats annoying


but if im honest she aint got many faults

so i ant complain



dont sound as bad as ive seen or had then lol .

my last resort when i got to that stage is give my little call.

turn around and head off in the oposite direction

soon got him up and coming into me.

also he new i wasnt happy when he had dumped rabbits to follow me.

then having to walk looking for it .

and soon got the idea.

but iam no trainer but at that stage that is the route i took,it worked :thumbs:

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Guest smashygadge
  mally said:
Well done mate, the first of many i'm sure. She'll steady down after her first season. My pup Vixen was hyper before her first season now she's a force to be reckoned with on rabbits, either lamping or ferreting. keep us informed on her progress :clapper:



well thats good mally

i was thinking i was the only one with a none stop pocket dog lol.

but thats set my mind at ease some .and tonight has made my week

and im seeing the dog in a whole new light lol .so steady away with her

and thanks :victory:

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Guest smashygadge
  donnie1 said:
thats what i keep saying ill do lol

end up walking over an taking it off her tho


ill try it tommorow night, see what happens

got nothing tae lose



it is seriously a good one

even i just used to give him a squeek or how ever you call .

stamp me feet flash lamp the oposite way

walking away

he would stand malling the rabbit until he realised id dissapeared

i used to watch him hiding behind wall lol

and he would come running with no rabbit

give him a gob full storm back to find the bunny lol

then walk back to the first spot

show him putting it into the bag .then a little pet just a little

then do it over and over until they click and she will :thumbs:

oh and you will be twice as fit ha

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