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Foot paths

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Do any of you chaps have any foot paths going near any of your earths? I got a single hole that is about 40 yrs if that from a foot path and was wondering how many would leave it well alone?


I got a signed letter ect from the land owner so am completly legal but wonder if it would be worth the hassel of trying to convince some idiot i aint doing the wrong sort of terrier work

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found plenty of nice spots over the years, by wondering abit from the path, if you,ve got permission no problem, if not, after a while you will get to know the busy times and the quiet times. i dug 3 and bolted 2 not 3yards from a foot path last season.and 1 just 2weeks ago.

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Guest rexdigger

id just dig it some of the earths what i have done with the lads have had footpaths going over the top of them and around them too best thing is to be cheeky and no one pays any interest lol

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Even if you are digging foxes on permission in an area free from badgers you'd still get a load of shit if the police/RSPCA turned up. Even if thay knew themselves I'd bet they'd still have a badger expert investigate. If all else failed they'd stick something else on you. Just wait til the light is fading then drop the dog in & dig it in the dark ;)

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footpaths criss-crossed my old permission and it never stopped me.

Most of the people I met were very friendly and interested in what I was doing.

I did get a couple of poofters that tried to cause me bother but on the whole the public were great

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footpaths criss-crossed my old permission and it never stopped me.

Most of the people I met were very friendly and interested in what I was doing.

I did get a couple of poofters that tried to cause me bother but on the whole the public were great

They didn't try to backscuttle you when you were bent down peering into a hole did they mate? :icon_eek:

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if you got permission mate dig it no prob cause if they aint and they put one foot off that path then there tresspassing !!!!!!!!!

Aye, good point there!


But one point that has been missed by some, is that single holers are a strict NO NO with todays (rediculous) legisltion!

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if you got permission mate dig it no prob cause if they aint and they put one foot off that path then there tresspassing !!!!!!!!!

Aye, good point there!


But one point that has been missed by some, is that single holers are a strict NO NO with todays (rediculous) legisltion!


i suppose so but there was a chpter in one of darcy's books about single holes i think and about how you still get bolts from them

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In the past weve had some real cheeky digs ,wearing flourescent jackets no less .We dug up a road on a country lane ,one night ,years ago and thats still talked about now as the road keeps settling :whistling:

Nowadays i think twice as the hassle can far outway any pleaure ,trust me .

just dig it i find you are less likely to get caught when been cheeky if you have permission why not its the same on my land they are yards from footpaths it only takes them to stray a yard off there path and they are tresspassing let them no and they will be terrified if you mention this a night in the cells terrifies some ha

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