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Amusing evenings huntin


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Bored this afternoon, so I loaded up the car and meandered over to my permission, see if I could persuade a few bunnies into my sights.



Patiently stalked across the meadow, and settled in. along with my regular spectators







Alas and woe too I only saw one bunny, and that was a good 50-60 yards away and spooked out of the hedgeline by one of the cows.... seconds after I spotted it a fat ass buzzard stuka dived out of the air and nabbed it fair and square.



After 2 hours of lurking with little to show for it apart from a faint smell of cow poo and a tired eye I called it a day and after blagging a hot cuppa from the mother in law set off for home




No sooner had I pulled out of the farm and down the road I found myself glad i'd 'forgot' to slip my rifle and managed to go home with something to show for my efforts after all




Clean thro the noggin at 30 yards, most happy with myself was I



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nice shooting

it dosent always have to be about shooting somthing though i find

its always nice to see somthing rare and natural like the buzzard

i remeber going fishing on my local river dident catch anything but i saw a kingfisher flying and diving just about 50yds away from me

that made my day even though i dident catch anything

anyway nice phessy

did you eat it pessy tastes lovely



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