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Lets Think Of The Elderly Who Are Poor and Needy

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Guest foxyjo.
hey foxyjo. you are welcome ferreting on my permissions up hear :thumbs:


Oh Will...I have an uncle in Shropshire somewhere...one day you might regret offering that as I'll be on your doorstep with me nets (that some sweet person sent me! :whistling: ) and dawg!!!!! :laugh: You are a love... :thumbs:

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im in an old village and the old folk love the rabbits,takes me longer to dress them than to shoot them,but all are grateful.

noticed that some younger ones are getting a few now and again.

nice to see the old folk smile though.

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my nan would tel you where you could stick your pigeon if you tried to palm it off on her.


Mine would've too :laugh: I don't know a single OAP who would be happy for me to give them something my dogs caught - most of the ones I know would look at me sideways if I so much as suggested it! But I've got some neighbours I keep my eye on, and have offered to help out with their gardens, shop trips etc should they ever need a lift, and they seem happy to know I'm here and willing if they need me. Sometimes all it takes to make them happy is to stand around and let them gab at you for half an hour. I'm always happy to oblidge. I lost my Nan over 10 years ago and I still miss her like mad every day.

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