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Lets Think Of The Elderly Who Are Poor and Needy

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The recession is going to get worse and it maybe as bad as it was during the 1930's, if Britan becomes bankrupt, money will become really tight and if you have an excess quarry like pigeon, rabbit and so on, lets think about the elderly within our communities who would love to have the meat.

Don't forget these are the people who made Britain Great.

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The recession is going to get worse and it maybe as bad as it was during the 1930's, if Britan becomes bankrupt, money will become really tight and if you have an excess quarry like pigeon, rabbit and so on, lets think about the elderly within our communities who would love to have the meat.

Don't forget these are the people who made Britain Great.


Nice post gunner :thumbs: Ive always given a percentage of my catch to some of the old folk near me,they love it and are always appreciative.

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Guest rexdigger

how are they poor and needy when they get pensioners discounts all over go on holidays a few times a year and live in houses what are worth a hell of a lot more than what they ever paid for them????i think theres a lot more younger people in need imo

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Guest bigredbusa
how are they poor and needy when they get pensioners discounts all over go on holidays a few times a year and live in houses what are worth a hell of a lot more than what they ever paid for them????i think theres a lot more younger people in need imo


not all of em mate , i always offer game to the elderly

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Guest foxyjo.

I think that's a great idea!!


When, (and if!!) Lucy and I get round to catching a few of these pesky wabbits, I can just imagine the look of horror I'd get if I presented it to the young lass who lives near me!!!!! :laugh::laugh: But the old couple who live next door, who follow the hunt and used to work on a farm, they'd be chuffed to bits!! He's always leaning on the fence asking how we're doing or knocking on the door to tell me the ferrets are loose!!! They will be the very first people I'll give a bunnie or two to when we nail the little buggers!!!


Young people may well be broke, I'm one of them, and not so young!! But at least they can get out and do something about it. Some of the ederley are house bound, and they are from a different generation where they had to work for what they got. It must be hugely frustrating. In my opinion they are far more deserving. :thumbs:

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When my kids were in the little school we always nominated the harvest festival parcel for the old man next door to my moms house , he was always delighted with it every year :yes:

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my neighbours 92.loves my dogs,always nipin to shop for him or my boy will,check on him most days,had to put chain link fence up cause the dogs got used to him bringing out titbits and started jumping over and up him, ;)

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