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third trip out this season

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well we decided to have another go at these particular setts due to the fact they were mostly clear of cover ie bloody nettles we last had a ferret through these holes on the 22 nd of august i knew that after the last trip we had taken 67 rabbits and i knew that the holes would soon be refilled with new customers :clapper: as you can see from the pictures we had a good day :clapper:

i used the terrier to mark up for us and again he proved how valuable he is to help fill the bag


even mr teapot would have known that for a positive mark :tongue2:




a rabbit ran into this brash pile i found a few likely places it would come out and hung a few nets entered the ferret and one rabbit :clapper:

a good mark on this fence line saw few rabbits hit the nets



we had fifteen along this fence



[waiting fora bolt


it came three seconds later and i missed the picture to slow :icon_redface:


we had eight from this warren this time last time we had thirteen





the sky was getting a bit black so after this last sett we called it a day


65 rabbits the final tally not bad considering those setts were only done just over a month ago :clapper:

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Even a novice like me can see that is a mark :feck::laugh: .

I reconise that place very well,its where i had my personnal best from.




Evn though it meant driving over this tiny bridge to get there :icon_eek: it was not a bridge it was a footpath.




See you soon mate,get the tea bags in :victory:

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Even a novice like me can see that is a mark :feck::laugh: .

I reconise that place very well,its where i had my personnal best from.




Evn though it meant driving over this tiny bridge to get there :icon_eek: it was not a bridge it was a footpath.




See you soon mate,get the tea bags in :victory:


Nice bag of bunnies!


Is that bridge in Wooler? If it's not it is very very like the one in wooler.

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