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Just purchased a cannon 450d with the 2 lenses anyone got any good tips


What ever you do dont drop it. :whistling::whistling:


:clapper::clapper::clapper: you cheered me up!


Nice choice Lepus, what lenses did you get and what type of photography to you want to do? \ill try to help if I know a little more.


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Canon EOS 450D Digital Camera with 18-55mm IS and 55-250mm IS Double Zoom Kit is what i bought i want to take pics of the lurchers in action and anything else that is about when im out ..........


lepus, iv just bought a nikon d60 on saturday, and can i eck work it out..

so ive cheated and booked a course for 2 days..



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Canon EOS 450D Digital Camera with 18-55mm IS and 55-250mm IS Double Zoom Kit is what i bought i want to take pics of the lurchers in action and anything else that is about when im out ..........


Switch it to the happy snapping green box... and click away, anything else is complicated (well for me anyway)... good choice of camera :notworthy:


Take loads of pics, get photoshop, delete the crap ones, and manipulate the rest if you need too, spend hours of quality time with it,,, and you'll notice things that you wouldn't have looked at before.. good luck, open a photobucket account as well, much easier to upload your pics to sites...



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Canon EOS 450D Digital Camera with 18-55mm IS and 55-250mm IS Double Zoom Kit is what i bought i want to take pics of the lurchers in action and anything else that is about when im out ..........

Id recommend you use the "sports" setting at first and get used to how the camera feels and works. In time, switch to AV and TV which will control the aperture and shutter speed better and enable you to take some superb shots. The 55-200mm has a built in panning detector, so following moving subjects (dogs etc) should be fairly easy for you.


Try AV setting for still stuff, see how you get on, you can control the background blur with this making the stuff you photograph stand out, great for dog portraits too.

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