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chubbie cheese paste

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right then lads and lasses im going chubbing tomorrow and using cheese paste for the first time and could do with some advice on how to fish it e.g. tactics, what to loose feed ,best way to keep it on hook etc. plus im going to try sardines (meant to get makeral) do you think these will work?

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sprats will probably attract pike

cheese paste is best made with blue smelly cheese mixed in with bread

i mixed stilton, danish blue and pastry and it smells lovely! you could roll it out and use it as a base for a flan or something. im taking sprats cos i watched a program on the internet telling us how chub are predatory. he was catching them on lamprey, steak and some fish that i cant remember. i know pike could be a problem so im saving the sprat for last

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You might have to order them from Harris-angling :hmm: They work for chub,small jacks,brown trout etc,designed to be used with light lines and ultra-light gear :)



harris angling you say? i knew that really :whistling: ill have a look now. went on the river today for a few hours dint get any chub though, just some small bits and bobs

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