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prefered terrier work

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i wanted to give digging a try after hearing a lot about it so i made phone calls it was hard to go with people had to be introduced to the right people by the right people so anyway ive always been bushing and love it ive been three times now and to be honest i dont get the same buzz the dogs i seen were very good at there job it was good but not like fast paced bushing just my opinion so i was thinking what offer people prefered ive heard people say bushing aint true terrier work what is your thoughts




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hear we go again!!! i think digging is sh#te...you get to see feck all and its loads of work..you enter your terrier to fox the dog chases the fox about backs it into a stop..you locate the dog dig d

you say simple as that im only asking why is that your opion why is that just sport not work i think terriers bush better than springers anyway   but i understand thats why terriers were first bree

if a terrier isnt killing for food its sport!!! digging is SPORT it isnt even an effective means of pest control!!! digging is the easiest form of terrier work the only talent is from the dog....iv n

hear we go again!!! i think digging is sh#te...you get to see feck all and its loads of work..you enter your terrier to fox the dog chases the fox about backs it into a stop..you locate the dog dig down to it...unless you like digging holes its sh#te i dont know why you digging lads dont get your selves an alotment and at least your digging would be reworded with somthing you can eat :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper: ...... now ratting with terriers is great fun loads of action and you get to see whats going on....... :icon_eek::tongue2::victory:

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why dev if a dog works its a working dog and what about people who hunt for food i know my family did at one time when you do that there very much working dogs i understand what your saying i thought terrier means earth dog but not all dogs can bush to a good standard i dont understand why its just sport to most digging is sport but there dogs aint sporting there workers ?????? when a lot of people eat rabbits they dont eat fox i know its pest controlbut if a dog works its a working dog in the tight cover i work it must be like going to ground anyway and would a dog that hunts fox above ground be sporting or working


if it works its a working dog

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why dev if a dog works its a working dog and what about people who hunt for food i know my family did at one time when you do that there very much working dogs i understand what your saying i thought terrier means earth dog but not all dogs can bush to a good standard i dont understand why its just sport to most digging is sport but there dogs aint sporting there workers ?????? when a lot of people eat rabbits they dont eat fox i know its pest controlbut if a dog works its a working dog in the tight cover i work it must be like going to ground anyway and would a dog that hunts fox above ground be sporting or working


if it works its a working dog

if a terrier doesnt work below ground and stay untill dug its NOT a working terrier, lurchers ,hounds , springers etc hunt above ground and thats their job so they can be regarded as working dogs but a terriers job is below ground. that is WORK for a terrier , anything above ground for a terrier is sport, simple as that.
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you say simple as that im only asking why is that your opion why is that just sport not work i think terriers bush better than springers anyway


but i understand thats why terriers were first breed i believe anyway well certain breeds but dont agree that there the only workers terriers to flush food for the table were here before the need to dig i expected i will be the first to say that fox is the true challenge for a dog

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Guest oldskool

i like digging because its not every terrier that can do it and infact its not every man that can do it either, and i'm one of them men that struggle but i enjoy it when i have a bit success... and i realy do appreciate a terrier that can duke it out until the jobs done...



i would really like to go ratting tho... feck, it looks like great fun!!! any offers :) ???

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why dev if a dog works its a working dog and what about people who hunt for food i know my family did at one time when you do that there very much working dogs i understand what your saying i thought terrier means earth dog but not all dogs can bush to a good standard i dont understand why its just sport to most digging is sport but there dogs aint sporting there workers ?????? when a lot of people eat rabbits they dont eat fox i know its pest controlbut if a dog works its a working dog in the tight cover i work it must be like going to ground anyway and would a dog that hunts fox above ground be sporting or working


if it works its a working dog

if a terrier doesnt work below ground and stay untill dug its NOT a working terrier, lurchers ,hounds , springers etc hunt above ground and thats their job so they can be regarded as working dogs but a terriers job is below ground. that is WORK for a terrier , anything above ground for a terrier is sport, simple as that.



if a terrier isnt killing for food its sport!!! digging is SPORT it isnt even an effective means of pest control!!! digging is the easiest form of terrier work the only talent is from the dog....iv never had a problem shooting a problem fox with a rifle....

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why dev if a dog works its a working dog and what about people who hunt for food i know my family did at one time when you do that there very much working dogs i understand what your saying i thought terrier means earth dog but not all dogs can bush to a good standard i dont understand why its just sport to most digging is sport but there dogs aint sporting there workers ?????? when a lot of people eat rabbits they dont eat fox i know its pest controlbut if a dog works its a working dog in the tight cover i work it must be like going to ground anyway and would a dog that hunts fox above ground be sporting or working


if it works its a working dog

if a terrier doesnt work below ground and stay untill dug its NOT a working terrier, lurchers ,hounds , springers etc hunt above ground and thats their job so they can be regarded as working dogs but a terriers job is below ground. that is WORK for a terrier , anything above ground for a terrier is sport, simple as that.



if a terrier isnt killing for food its sport!!! digging is SPORT it isnt even an effective means of pest control!!! digging is the easiest form of terrier work the only talent is from the dog....iv never had a problem shooting a problem fox with a rifle....


Digging is not an effective means of pest control ?! utter bollocks ! So bushing is harder than digging ? explain please. i have had spaniels, mongrels, collies and other dogs that would all bush, and easier to control than a bushing terrier, and safer to shoot over. Im not saying that terriers are shit at bushing but its true vocation is under the sod !

Edited by dogrun
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why dev if a dog works its a working dog and what about people who hunt for food i know my family did at one time when you do that there very much working dogs i understand what your saying i thought terrier means earth dog but not all dogs can bush to a good standard i dont understand why its just sport to most digging is sport but there dogs aint sporting there workers ?????? when a lot of people eat rabbits they dont eat fox i know its pest controlbut if a dog works its a working dog in the tight cover i work it must be like going to ground anyway and would a dog that hunts fox above ground be sporting or working


if it works its a working dog

if a terrier doesnt work below ground and stay untill dug its NOT a working terrier, lurchers ,hounds , springers etc hunt above ground and thats their job so they can be regarded as working dogs but a terriers job is below ground. that is WORK for a terrier , anything above ground for a terrier is sport, simple as that.



if a terrier isnt killing for food its sport!!! digging is SPORT it isnt even an effective means of pest control!!! digging is the easiest form of terrier work the only talent is from the dog....iv never had a problem shooting a problem fox with a rifle....

digging is the easiest form of terrier work!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you are an idiot!!!
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digging is the only form of terrier work :notworthy::notworthy:



digging is by far the most difficult form of control to underground vermin control. that is without doubt. and all vermin can be controlled by trap snare or shot all these methods are far easier. but lets face it shooting is boring and requires little skill.( wait for it ) :tongue2: however terriers are for going to ground so that should be there main job. all dogs that work are working dogs :notworthy: none better or worse than the other. as long as they exell at there task in life thats all that counts. i have a few terriers and get the odd fox but i wouldnt say they are WORKIN TERRIERS. i would however say that they are terriers that work . and then explain what they do :victory: in my opinion terriers that do a proper job below ground as there only role in life. should be called earth dogs. as that gives them there place seperate from the other mish mash forms of work. they have the most dangerous job in the canine world imo. and deserve a little respect. :notworthy: however i can bolt a fox and move to the next spot with a yappy little jack faster than you diggin lads can get the sod off. so i know what works for me :feck:

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