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always the way


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went out this morning despite the mist, didnt see any rabbits which is quite unusual on my permission. plenty of squirrels tho, i shot three of the buggers with the intention of taking the skins and trying the meat. however... the first landed on the other side of the hedgerow so i thought id carry on and pick it up on the way back. the second got stuck up the gnarled old hornbeam it was in and no amount of pellets would shift it :( the third fell right in the middle of a patch of brambles so i thought ":censored: that, i'll settle with the first one." so off i go back towards home along the otherside of the hedgerow. when i got near the place where the first squirrel fell guess what i saw darting away on the otherside of the hedge... Mr. fox carrying my squirrel! and there was bugger all i could do about it except hurl some good old anglo-saxon words at it :censored:


its been one of those mornings

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