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Guest bigredbusa

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So its like a skim line to take off the surface weed and floating detritus?Looks a good book except I have a crick in my neck angled over towards the Right :blink: Joe sent me a message,he has splurged some cash on a pair of waders,looks like we christen them tonight :thumbs:

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I forgot about that little project Maty,I actually remembered it about it ten minutes ago as I was putting new backing on my fly-reel :victory: The quest for the holy grayl................ing ;)


One of, if not, the favourite of all fish in my humble opinion. I think its the eye and that huge dorsal. Caught a couple in the summer and cooked them Ray Mears style by the river bank, bit of wild garlic, delicious. Tungston bead nymph, red i believe, always tell a grayling from a trout as they will run you down stream, never up. :notworthy:

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We never fish with nets here,its illegal in freshwater UK,but it depends what your fishing for,what type of water?Cast & Gill are the commonest,so I have been told :)

Edit......Dont get yourself a 16 foot cast,10 is perfect,wait till your comfortable with that then decide if you want to super-size,like I said,depends what your after and the water your fishing,ideal for collecting sprat,sandeels etc along the shore. :victory:


Cheers Mackem, wouldnt want to do anything illegal :thumbs: Are they purely used for small fish or would they work on larger, say up to 2 or 3lbs? i got to use a gill net once, not in this country, but somehow the cast net is more appealing :hmm:

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anyone ever tried netting these ? i know its a certain time of the year and they always show it as hard work is it just up north the run comes in ?





Hiya bigred... its not just down south! And its not just in the north pal. There are bigger runs depending on the river. Some are more equipped for them than others....They are now realizing this, and building running ladders and better access in certain rivers....


Why don't use build brigdes instead :wallbash: , No mate tell us more a step up in the right direction no pun intended



Sure Nelson, sorry, what did you want to know?? I was knocking bridges down. I was just answering the question...... p.s mackem, the ribble is doing some real good gay fish you were talking about... upper reaches near ribchester. cheers


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Sorry RFYL, wit is the lowest form humour, No Just interested about the ladders crackin grayling, I don't fresh water myself wish I did I would love to catch a barbel




No worries nelson, but it is good to have a little wit,lol. The yorkshire ouze has built eel and elver runs, they are being monitored all the time.....The reason these are being built is because the eel population is in decline and many 1000's of elvers are lost every year due to flooding and unpassable wiers...


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I have been out with guys using a net around 200 yards long,massive heavy thing dropped from a boat,bitch to haul in though :thumbdown:



We used to pull a 280m net 5 times a day, just 2 blokes. The mesh size makes a hell of a difference in pulling it in, ours were 14mm :thumbdown: . The worst are the ones with a cod-end stitched in as every time you beach the net, you have to turn half the net round again before you can load it back into the boat so the bag is facing the right way when you're pulling it in again.

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