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need permission!

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how do all you get permission?i drove round all farms round me all day and got no joy at all!i want to get my bitch working soon,also iv just bought an air rifle and my mates got ferrets who i go out with,but cant seem to get any permission to get out.we traveled to york to a lockment to try ferrets and got 3 rabbits,but when i was into it 6 years ago i had more land than i could cope with geting upto 30 rabbits in a morning with a bloke who got all the land for us and all he did was knock on doors,same as me. are all the farmers tight now or what?!i cant wait to see molly on the rats but need somewhere first!any ideas??


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Sometimes getting permission is like selling a house.


You need a combination of the right person, at the right time, needing what you are offering.


Reputation goes before you and in the notoriously fickle 'Fieldsports World', the bad genearally travels quicker than the good.So the slight mistake you make is multiplied ten fold by some fecker wanting you to fail.


Perseverence is required and a lot of patience.

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