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Right people i've got a chest freezer full of venison and i'm looking to do a nice stew any recipies would be great i need to make room in the freezer as i've got two fallow and a lamb in there and no i didn't shoot the lamb.............. :icon_eek: it was kindly given to me for my foxing duties......

so a nice venison stew will float my boat now i think...............

cheers SS...........

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What i do is roll my Haunches into roasts using string or butchers nylon, Wrap the entire roast in Smokey Bacon place in a slow cooker half sub-mearged in red wine and cook slowly for several hours, Once ready add bisto or gravy grannulas to the red wine and stock, Then..........................................ENJOY!!!!!


Some fresh greens and a nice helping of mashed tatties. :drink::drink:

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What i do is roll my Haunches into roasts using string or butchers nylon, Wrap the entire roast in Smokey Bacon place in a slow cooker half sub-mearged in red wine and cook slowly for several hours, Once ready add bisto or gravy grannulas to the red wine and stock, Then..........................................ENJOY!!!!!


Some fresh greens and a nice helping of mashed tatties. :drink::drink:

My mother cooks venison that way and I must say...........lovely.

Myself ,I fry it on the pan or a lovely stew.

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