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can anyone tell me when my ten month old terriers hydraulics will drop i'm a bit concerned

as i caught the back end of a vet programme on tv tother week and saw this fourteen month old staffy

getting his lopped off :icon_eek: with the vet saying something about retaining testicles leading to cancer,

i think they are visible sometimes mainly in the morning but they're at the base of his penis and not hanging where

they should be

just wanted to hear your views before calling our vet

thanks TT

Edited by tynetyke
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stay away from vets!!!! its still only a young dog massage them everyday and see what develops, yes retained balls are more suspect to cancer but the dog can live a perfectly good life all the same we used to have a parsons jrt with a retainded bollock and he was a right randy git if a bitch was in season within a couple of miles he would be there ! and he fathered countless pups

not that he was suposed to mine he was just a crafty randy git


remember VETS just want your money dont go giving them exuses to get just wait and wieght the job up when its 18 mths -2 yrs old , act in haste repent at your liesure

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can anyone tell me when my ten month old terriers hydraulics will drop i'm a bit concerned

as i caught the back end of a vet programme on tv tother week and saw this fourteen month old staffy

getting his lopped off :icon_eek: with the vet saying something about retaining testicles leading to cancer,

i think they are visible sometimes mainly in the morning but they're at the base of his penis and not hanging where

they should be

just wanted to hear your views before calling our vet

thanks TT

Here you go mate...have mine!!!!!



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stay away from vets!!!! its still only a young dog massage them everyday and see what develops, yes retained balls are more suspect to cancer but the dog can live a perfectly good life all the same we used to have a parsons jrt with a retainded bollock and he was a right randy git if a bitch was in season within a couple of miles he would be there ! and he fathered countless pups

not that he was suposed to mine he was just a crafty randy git


remember VETS just want your money dont go giving them exuses to get just wait and wieght the job up when its 18 mths -2 yrs old , act in haste repent at your liesure



can anyone tell me when my ten month old terriers hydraulics will drop i'm a bit concerned

as i caught the back end of a vet programme on tv tother week and saw this fourteen month old staffy

getting his lopped off :icon_eek: with the vet saying something about retaining testicles leading to cancer,

i think they are visible sometimes mainly in the morning but they're at the base of his penis and not hanging where

they should be

just wanted to hear your views before calling our vet

thanks TT

Here you go mate...have mine!!!!!



Well i called the vet yesterday before gannin oot to watch the match and she reckons there defo retained

at ten months should be oot by now, will be hoping to leave op till after xmas as you can imagine its not cheap

they reckon between £150-300 depending if they're in his abdomen or groin.

topper cheers for advice but i'm not wanting to take any chances mate i lost me staffy bitch to cancer last xmas

still guts me now that i could,nt stump up the £1200 pound they wanted for the op to save her. she's a big miss

garypco cheers for your offer but they're a bit oot of proportoin they look bigger than his heed

p.s thats him in the avater lookin round to see where his bollox are

thanks again TT

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Id wait untill he was about 14-16mths if he were mine. Some Borders do suffer from "late decent" but its usually one testicle and not both. Still, he is young yet, give it a bit more time, see if there is any change after Xmas, no harm will come in that time.


If his nuts havent dropped he is infertile anyway, and yes they can go cancerous as the testicles are located outside the body as they need to retain a lower temperature, so removing them will be the safest option.


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