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hello been living in the isle of man for a few months now, a lad i met told me its not aggainst the law to court hares over here, so i was out with my dog the other day and met the most wonderfull hare youv ever seen, anyway things were going good tell i decided to bring her out one night we were getting pretty close then the police turned up and contacted the mspca, now im in alot of trouble, WHATS GOING ON IS HARE COURTING ILLEGAL IN THE ISLE OF MAN OR NOT !!!!

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I would say it prob is illegal as the isle of man is classed as part of Britain.I know ignorance is no excuse,but i would stick with you didnt know and when you enquired you were told it was ok to do so.Good luck but i would expect a hefty fine.

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Guest nitevision

im sure its illegal to cort any animal,if it against the law to cort your mum or you sister,even your brother or father then surely corting a hare even less desirable,still i expect theres many a strange custom on there that us normal people would frown upon :whistling:

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im sure its illegal to cort any animal,if it against the law to cort your mum or you sister,even your brother or father then surely corting a hare even less desirable,still i expect theres many a strange custom on there that us normal people would frown upon :whistling:



I heard you had corted many members of your family over the years. Ive heard you referred to as an "urban dingle" :icon_eek::whistling:

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hello been living in the isle of man for a few months now, a lad i met told me its not aggainst the law to court hares over here, so i was out with my dog the other day and met the most wonderfull hare youv ever seen, anyway things were going good tell i decided to bring her out one night we were getting pretty close then the police turned up and contacted the mspca, now im in alot of trouble, WHATS GOING ON IS HARE COURTING ILLEGAL IN THE ISLE OF MAN OR NOT !!!!

what a nob head :censored:

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Guest jbswildlife

sorry guys but the law changes daily with this sort of thing. tell them you walk your dog there every day and never had this happen I dont think the lbaps for your area has classed the hare as a common site.

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