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Fly Fishing

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Hi there, it was my day off yesterday so i thought i would do abit of fly fishing as the weather was nice for once! Well i arrived at Onnyvale Fishery (between Bishops Castle and Minsterley) at around half 10ish. The weather wasnt to bad cloudy with a abit of sun now and then:) although very windy:(, so i paid my ticket and started off on the bottom fly pool on 4lb leader and a nice white cats whisker had a few casts in my proven places but no takes:( after about 20 mins i headed to the larger top pool where i have had many nice rainbows on this lure. Still nothing:( so i changed the length of my leader by afew more foot just incase the fish had been getting used to the shorter leaders. I tried and Tried on this pool, fast surface retreival and slow deep retreival but still nothing. It was very hard to get to anything with any depth as the pool is pestured by weed from the banks which grows up to the surface ( The owner was doing a fine job of weeding the pool with the grappling hook and rope, a very tiring job indeed) Any how fished every inch of that pool but still no luck. After this i thought there must be a fish or two in the smaller pool next to the large to pool (Which used to be the cannel fishing pool consisting of small stockies) The smaller pool is divided into 4 smaller pools with blockers on each one to stop the fish from getting through, again tried every inch on this pool, the only time i got a take was right next to the reeds! i was glad i had stuck into a tidy fish after getting it into the bank it wasnt all to big so i put the fella back to fight another day and to search for some bigger fish:). Now with alittle faith i went back down to the smaller bottom pool on which i started on, here i saw one fisherman playing a nice fish so i knew they were feeding here, still being on the same white cats whisker i glanced over to see the other fisherman using a similar if not the same lure, i cast in again with the confidence of catching a keeper. After a while with no takes i slowly moved round the pool using the casting deep and retreiving slow method, comming to the top of the pool knowing that there is a very deep hole towards this end i cast afew in here my retreival became slower and slower and deeper and deeper, when retriving extreamly slow and deep i felt this shy tug..."thinking S**t its on them reeds on the bottom". I tightened the line up and it start to move! knowing it wasnt weeds but a very nice rainbow i played the thing very carfully on my light leader and the amount of weed at the bottom after a good 5 min fight the head was up and heading for the net! This thing was my keeper but i still had another on my ticket so i gave him the bang on the head and one in the bag:) Feeling chuffed i sat and eat my lunch watching the water noticing that fish were taking off the surface ( at this point VERY cold and windy with no sun:( ) So i walked round the other side of the pool where i was seeing nice large fish taking i stalked closer and closer adjusted my tackle making my leader longer and changing my fly to a nice small back one. After afew cast many fish appoched the fly only to turn their nose up at it! they were being very picky as they were larger fish, so i changed my fly to a nice big grey fly they seemed to love this! after the first cast i had a nice rise but no take:( so i gave the water time to settle then cast again, nearing the end of mt ticket i needed this fish! after afew cast the bugger jumps high out of the water!!! shaking his head like mad! i was extreamly carful with this fish as it had alot of fight in it and me being on light leader and lots of weeds i played him til there was no fight in him, eventually got him to the bank and he was a whopper! So i banged him on the head and made off a happy man!! one fish will be smoked and the other in the oven:)


Hope you enjoyed the read




Pics below- quick qestion how heavy would you put these fish at? Thanks


Top one is the one i put back












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fished there quite a bit myself, next time try a black or black and green lure on a slow sink line. or try a black green montana with rubber legs this fly can be deadly on that water and i have had 20 + fish in a day using them.

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The second one you took, the long one, didn't fight very well did it? It's been in there a long time, has a good tail but looks a bit amasiated. It's what happens to most of the stocked rainbows that stay in the water for a long time, catch and release doesn't help either. Didn't you weigh it for the returns book?

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