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What a difference


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:D foned about yesterday lookin for a local gunshop that had AA diablo field pellets in stock.... nearest place I could find was a 30 mile drive away :shok: in stratford upon avon of all places.


Hey ho, it was a nice sunny day so me n the other 1/2 hopped in the car and scooted over there, grabbed a coupla tins and spent a nice day wandering by the river.



Finally got time to re-zero my HW90k with the new pellets today............ WoW :D a very very noticable difference in accuracy at 25 yards. I was cheerfully grouping 10-15mm groups at that range. Tried throwing a few at 1/4" marine ply .... heehee straight through, and excellent deformation too. A big improvement over the old RWS hollowpoints I had been feeding it.

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Whilst I grudge paying even a couple of quid for postage, sometimes it's the cheaper & more convenient option to spending £10 on petrol & there's a wider choice of stuff out there on the internet.

Ordered a Titan XS mainspring & some AA 5.52's from Euroguns & the postage was £3.50. Petrol would have cost £15 plus 2 hours of my time!

Wouldn't want to travel there again (middle of f*cking nowhere)

Stuff arrived next day.

At least you got a day out from it.

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£15.50 for 2 tins of diablo, plus 54 miles in my little diesel fiesta about a fiver in fuel tops. Best deal I can find online [without spending hours n hours] is £18 for 2 tins plus £5 delivery, along with whatever damage the mungos at the courier firm subject my ammo to.



I still come out on top, plus a nice day out in stratford upon avon and its wide selection of decent pubs and eateries ;)

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£15.50 for 2 tins of diablo, plus 54 miles in my little diesel fiesta about a fiver in fuel tops. Best deal I can find online [without spending hours n hours] is £18 for 2 tins plus £5 delivery, along with whatever damage the mungos at the courier firm subject my ammo to.



I still come out on top, plus a nice day out in stratford upon avon and its wide selection of decent pubs and eateries ;)


Now that's what I call dedication to the sport ;)

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B) why thanks TL :D


on the second day of my basic infantry training great big drag knuckled, lantern jawed sergeant major screamed into my face "ANY C*NT CAN BE UNCOMFORTABLE GREEN!!!!"


I took this fatherly advise to heart ;)

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