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I’ve had two visits from them. Found a card on my gate asking me to phone them. When I phoned the woman said she was concerned about my horses.

I arranged to meet her and look at the horses. She said their coats were in poor condition.

I asked her is she knew much about horses, no reply. I then told her it was early summer and a horse moults its winter coat at this time of year. Nice woman thick a S**t. Never seen her again.


Had another inspector knock at the door saying my 2 dogs were never let out of their cages, 15ft x 15ft dog pens at the bottom of the garden. I showed him the dogs and the back of my 4x4, full of dog hair, slob, the odd shot gun cartridge. Asked him to call back at 1am so he could come with me and the dogs for their run. Told him he might have a bunny to take home for breakfast if he was lucky, he didn’t seem amused.

My experience with the RSPCA total Wa***rs :censored:

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Yeah from what i have heard it’s a mixed bag with the RSPCA.


My experience has been good; one of the houses near me had a young lab which he kept outside with no shelter about 23 hours of the day it seems.


This was last winter and it was dreadful rain and bitter cold, anyway after hearing the dog keep howling i phoned the RCPCA and the next day they paid them a visit, not sure if i was the only caller, or that they really gave them a bollocking but about a month later the dog went somewhere else as the guy said "they couldn’t handle it", and “didn’t have time to walk itâ€.


Strange that really, when he doesn’t work t he scrite, F*ckin idiot cant control his kinds let alone a dog.


Yes the RSPCA probably do make mistakes but I cannot fault their intentions, it’s just like many of the other charity/services, horribly underfunded and horribly inconsistent.



Why is he still here?

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animal husbandry and general care is now a lot stricter since laws have been changed to suit the RSPCA,be extra careful and vigilante about these 'charities',take note of FGT and Hippychick's posts to educate yourselves,they can now prosecute

you for general neglect and lack of care,even the most minor 'offence' can land you in court,whether the animal is suffering or not,


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Yeah from what i have heard it’s a mixed bag with the RSPCA.


My experience has been good; one of the houses near me had a young lab which he kept outside with no shelter about 23 hours of the day it seems.


This was last winter and it was dreadful rain and bitter cold, anyway after hearing the dog keep howling i phoned the RCPCA and the next day they paid them a visit, not sure if i was the only caller, or that they really gave them a bollocking but about a month later the dog went somewhere else as the guy said "they couldn’t handle it", and “didn’t have time to walk itâ€.


Strange that really, when he doesn’t work t he scrite, F*ckin idiot cant control his kinds let alone a dog.


Yes the RSPCA probably do make mistakes but I cannot fault their intentions, it’s just like many of the other charity/services, horribly underfunded and horribly inconsistent.

Yes they do make the odd mistake dont they.Would you say draining there resourses by about 6million quid just to take away our right to hunt with our dogs was a mistake? Would you say that was a good intention? RSPCA are our enemy.They would outlaw the keeping of any kind of hunting dog if they could tommorow. I remember them taking up all the large billboards in the centre of london to display anti hunting pictures.Can you imagine the cost of that right in the middle of London...and you talk about underfunding.The RSPCA are totally against what we do in the field and are very active in that respect.
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Yeah from what i have heard it’s a mixed bag with the RSPCA.


My experience has been good; one of the houses near me had a young lab which he kept outside with no shelter about 23 hours of the day it seems.


This was last winter and it was dreadful rain and bitter cold, anyway after hearing the dog keep howling i phoned the RCPCA and the next day they paid them a visit, not sure if i was the only caller, or that they really gave them a bollocking but about a month later the dog went somewhere else as the guy said "they couldn’t handle it", and “didn’t have time to walk itâ€.


Strange that really, when he doesn’t work t he scrite, F*ckin idiot cant control his kinds let alone a dog.


Yes the RSPCA probably do make mistakes but I cannot fault their intentions, it’s just like many of the other charity/services, horribly underfunded and horribly inconsistent.

Yes they do make the odd mistake dont they.Would you say draining there resourses by about 6million quid just to take away our right to hunt with our dogs was a mistake? Would you say that was a good intention? RSPCA are our enemy.They would outlaw the keeping of any kind of hunting dog if they could tommorow. I remember them taking up all the large billboards in the centre of london to display anti hunting pictures.Can you imagine the cost of that right in the middle of London...and you talk about underfunding.The RSPCA are totally against what we do in the field and are very active in that respect.
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Yeah from what i have heard it’s a mixed bag with the RSPCA.


My experience has been good; one of the houses near me had a young lab which he kept outside with no shelter about 23 hours of the day it seems.


This was last winter and it was dreadful rain and bitter cold, anyway after hearing the dog keep howling i phoned the RCPCA and the next day they paid them a visit, not sure if i was the only caller, or that they really gave them a bollocking but about a month later the dog went somewhere else as the guy said "they couldn’t handle it", and “didn’t have time to walk itâ€.


Strange that really, when he doesn’t work t he scrite, F*ckin idiot cant control his kinds let alone a dog.


Yes the RSPCA probably do make mistakes but I cannot fault their intentions, it’s just like many of the other charity/services, horribly underfunded and horribly inconsistent.

Yes they do make the odd mistake dont they.Would you say draining there resourses by about 6million quid just to take away our right to hunt with our dogs was a mistake? Would you say that was a good intention? RSPCA are our enemy.They would outlaw the keeping of any kind of hunting dog if they could tommorow. I remember them taking up all the large billboards in the centre of london to display anti hunting pictures.Can you imagine the cost of that right in the middle of London...and you talk about underfunding.The RSPCA are totally against what we do in the field and are very active in that respect.
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we had some bunny hugger lives over back of us and she kept posting me letters saying it was barbaric that i kept my dogs outside. now bearing in mind they have a whole garage to themselves in the garage is a 6ft- 6ft square box and then a massive run on the side. i had them round and to be fair the bloke wasn't to bad. i must of had a good one. iv heard some people say that they have had some right wankers round


atb mike

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Fair play there are lots of good points here and I have definitely learnt a lot.


As for the dog howling constantly not being a welfare issue that’s where me and you differ then.


A working dog living outside in a kennel is something we all understand and that is fine, but a young golden lab, in the garden of what can only be described as a workshy scumbag for 98% of the day with NO SHELTER in the depths of winter, surrounded in its own shite, is surely worthy of an RSPCA call.


We all have our views on organisations like this, at the end of the day we have to stick by these views.


Its just a shame we don’t all have stronger view on our own thieving government! maybe we should stop being such drones, paying taxes like robots and take a leaf out of the French book and give them some shit.


Our government deserve a slagging off far more than the RSPCA in my book. But that’s my prioritisation of my views and everyone is different.

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Fair play there are lots of good points here and I have definitely learnt a lot.


As for the dog howling constantly not being a welfare issue that’s where me and you differ then.


A working dog living outside in a kennel is something we all understand and that is fine, but a young golden lab, in the garden of what can only be described as a workshy scumbag for 98% of the day with NO SHELTER in the depths of winter, surrounded in its own shite, is surely worthy of an RSPCA call.


We all have our views on organisations like this, at the end of the day we have to stick by these views.


Its just a shame we don’t all have stronger view on our own thieving government! maybe we should stop being such drones, paying taxes like robots and take a leaf out of the French book and give them some shit.


Our government deserve a slagging off far more than the RSPCA in my book. But that’s my prioritisation of my views and everyone is different.


I'm sat here trying not get annoyed, people like you make my blood boil. You should read your own post and try and learn from it.


You obviously know very little about the R.S.P.C.A and how it works.

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Our government deserve a slagging off far more than the RSPCA in my book.

Wow there Edd thats a new thread :laugh: me thinks. I agree about the lab there is a position there for a gov dept that works within a budget and answers too an accountant/treasurer and has the powers, a little like H+S etc, but the s--t thick retards that toss the day off filling in time sheets by harrasing m.o.p, and not carrrying out the duties that the charity was created for. Nah f--k-em

Have phoned myself after finding a stray and they wanted too know if I would hold on too it,big f****r it was too and obviouusly distressed,I told them no chance though I would take it into town and release it inside the council offices. They should have spent the money on f-----g kennels at least.

Messers and wasters :censored:

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Yeah from what i have heard it’s a mixed bag with the RSPCA.


My experience has been good; one of the houses near me had a young lab which he kept outside with no shelter about 23 hours of the day it seems.


This was last winter and it was dreadful rain and bitter cold, anyway after hearing the dog keep howling i phoned the RCPCA and the next day they paid them a visit, not sure if i was the only caller, or that they really gave them a bollocking but about a month later the dog went somewhere else as the guy said "they couldn’t handle it", and “didn’t have time to walk itâ€.


Strange that really, when he doesn’t work t he scrite, F*ckin idiot cant control his kinds let alone a dog.


Yes the RSPCA probably do make mistakes but I cannot fault their intentions, it’s just like many of the other charity/services, horribly underfunded and horribly inconsistent.

fare play the dog had no shelter but did you give them a knock or did you just jump on that phone
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Another experience of mine with the rspca.......A knock on the door, i answered and it was RSPCA 'officer'. He said hed had a report about an underweight labrador puppy, i replied 'oh right...do you wanna see her?' yes was his reply so i left him stood on the doorstep and shouted gyp, she came teararsing out of the house and dived on him. his face was a picture, the 'lab puppy' was actually a beddy whippet :doh:

Still dont know who reported me but it must have been one of my neighbours.

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I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.

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