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I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.
my advice would be move out of that ghetto
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Yeah from what i have heard it’s a mixed bag with the RSPCA.


My experience has been good; one of the houses near me had a young lab which he kept outside with no shelter about 23 hours of the day it seems.


This was last winter and it was dreadful rain and bitter cold, anyway after hearing the dog keep howling i phoned the RCPCA and the next day they paid them a visit, not sure if i was the only caller, or that they really gave them a bollocking but about a month later the dog went somewhere else as the guy said "they couldn’t handle it", and “didn’t have time to walk itâ€.


Strange that really, when he doesn’t work t he scrite, F*ckin idiot cant control his kinds let alone a dog.


Yes the RSPCA probably do make mistakes but I cannot fault their intentions, it’s just like many of the other charity/services, horribly underfunded and horribly inconsistent.


You'd have got a lot more respect from me mate if you had knocked on the mans door your self.Makes you a bigger wa***r than the R.S.P.C.A

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as usual a decent thread turned into a slanging match, yeah so maybe he shouldnt have rung the rspca but confront him? innocent people have been killed doing just that, unfortunately this is the society we live in. If i posted a thread saying i kept my dog outdoors with no shelter what ever the weather and asked if this was ok how many would say yes?????

the RSPCA are w@*!kers but its hardly the crime of the century that EW has commited??

take a chill pill everyone, the bloke was just writing bout his experience of them. :victory:

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I think you are being really harsh on Ed. He was nt the one mistreating the dog.


I've had the RSPCA on to me, I dont know who called them, whether it was a malicious call or just and over zealous busy body neighbour, but the inspector was really understanding and apologised over and over for calling on me.


I do get frustrated, when animal cruelty and hunting are confused as the same thing, and think the RSPCA should keep their noses out of it... but theyre not always bad.


Theres a lot of people who slag them off, then take their dogs in to them for some freebie treatment.


....and the RSPCA/NSPCC, I seem to remember sometime ago, that there had been research done and those that treated their animals like shit, were also more likely to having problems raising their kids too.


I've never called the RSPCA, but that's not to say I never would if I saw obvious abuse. I probably wouldnt go squaring up to some pig ignorant bloke, because thick people can be volatile when they feel threatened.


Well said :clapper:

unfortunately they are one of the few that can actually lawfully step in when they are needed having said that they also feel the need to step in when they arent needed but cest la vie.

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Guest Leveller

We had a lame horse here on livery once it's foot was bandaged up (so obviously it had been treated) it was a hunter that had just about finished a full season and got injured so other than a limp it was fighting fit anyway it had come to us to recover quietly and was turned out into a quiet paddock with lots of lush grass, shelter, fresh water, hay and we'd check up on it many times a day as we had other horses over there too and the owner would cast his eye over it as often as he could. One day there was a card left on the gate from the arsepca with a number stating that we had to phone them with regards to the "neglected lame horse" I passed the number on to the owner of the horse who also happened to be a vet :clapper::clapper: and by all accounts he tied the dumb f*****g arsepca officer at the other end of the phone in knots with professional jargon and proper medical terms.


If the arsepca dropped their anti hunting agenda and put the resources into really preventing cruelty to animals I would whole heartedly support them but until that day comes they are no different to the league against cruel sports, IFAW, the hunts sab society etc: etc: They are our enemy!

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To be honest she did have big tits though............. :whistling:
i had a realy fit one come round :yes: ,a few ungentalmanly coments :angel: an she couldnt wait to get away :no: ,no cup of tea :no: ,hardly looked at my dogs(which are always tip top)said my ol track bitch at the time had mange cause it had little hair on its arse end, :icon_eek: so i showed her mine and asked is that hairy enough? :icon_redface: ,told here to go to a track and look at the arse of all of them :whistling: ,hurry back,i miss you already :kiss: last i saw of her :hmm:
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they are one of the few that can actually lawfully step in






Are you paying attention?


They have no more rights in law than old Mrs Miggins who lives down the road.





If you learn one thing from this thread then please, let it be that the RSPCA are a charity organisation, who operate on exactly the same level as any other citizen in this country, they have no special rights or powers, that uniform they wear means f**k all.

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i am a bit worried. i dont have the tidiest place but if its good enough for my 4 kids its got to be ok for dogs! i mean yep theres dog shit about in the garden but who aint thats got dogs?!! another thing she bemoaned was that there wee tins in the recycling box and as the dogs could get to them it was an offence as they could cut themselves!

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everyone just be aware about the RSPCA,IF YOUR NOT AWARE THEY WILL F**K YOU,regardless of your hunting/non hunting status,they will try to make a case out of you,they are desparate for funds and have to be seen getting convictions,it's not money well spent as they are not doing the job right so the animal owner can be compared to the motorist via persecution from the police,YOU are the easiest target for both of these organisations,better to educate yourself in manners of the law and your rights,forewarned is to be forearmed,atb,


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Guest bigredbusa
I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.


I wonder why he assumed it was you ?



yep funny that . why's the grass still here ?

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everyone just be aware about the RSPCA,IF YOUR NOT AWARE THEY WILL F**K YOU,regardless of your hunting/non hunting status,they will try to make a case out of you,they are desparate for funds and have to be seen getting convictions,it's not money well spent as they are not doing the job right so the animal owner can be compared to the motorist via persecution from the police,YOU are the easiest target for both of these organisations,better to educate yourself in manners of the law and your rights,forewarned is to be forearmed,atb,



I should imagine they will be more desperate for funds with the credit crunch going on,i wonder if they lost any money in Iceland like the Cats proctection league did (a few million?)....

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My old man got to the final interview to be a rspca inspector and he mentioned that he did a bit of rough shooting (all perfectly legal) and he was escorted out of the building by security!!

a lot of people need educating that the rspca is a political, fascist, anti group, that abuse rather than use any little power they have! :censored::angry::censored:

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