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I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.


sounds like a nice bloke! lol! :laugh:

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I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.


I wonder why he assumed it was you ?

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a remember the tv inspector called round looking for my licence

witch i had but it was a black and white one so he asked if he check my equipment

i said no he said but youve got sat dish i said ive a pint a milk in the fridge that

doesent mean ive a cow out the back and shut the door in his face i hate jumped

up little hitlers with uniforms :censored:


:clapper::clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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a remember the tv inspector called round looking for my licence

witch i had but it was a black and white one so he asked if he check my equipment

i said no he said but youve got sat dish i said ive a pint a milk in the fridge that

doesent mean ive a cow out the back and shut the door in his face i hate jumped

up little hitlers with uniforms :censored:


:clapper::clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper: :clapper:

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I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.


I wonder why he assumed it was you ?



Very diplomatically put Mr Shamo.



Anyone else may have suggested he got his tyres slashed for being a GRASS





That's the problem with today's society, people aren't direct and up front anymore, they do snidey things like ringing benefit cheat helplines.


Once upon a time if a neighbour was a scumbag and left his dog out all day, someone might have told him not to, then if he carried on he'd have had it taken off him, end of story.

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Not sure you quite understood, I got my tyres slashed as he thought it was me!


It wasn’t me so and I had to fork out for new tyres. Hence why I went straight to the RSPCA, and hence it was gone within a month, hopefully to someone who isn’t a c*ck.


Grass I certainly am not.


Nor do I suffer lazy fools like him. Amazing how fully grown, totally mobile adults with no job, still don’t have time to walk dogs, beggar’s belief!

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Not sure you quite understood, I got my tyres slashed as he thought it was me!


It wasn’t me so and I had to fork out for new tyres. Hence why I went straight to the RSPCA, and hence it was gone within a month, hopefully to someone who isn’t a c*ck.


Grass I certainly am not.


Nor do I suffer lazy fools like him. Amazing how fully grown, totally mobile adults with no job, still don’t have time to walk dogs, beggar’s belief!


The dog would have been put down in the back of the ACO's van as soon as it was safe to do so, healthy or not because thats what they do, they put down peoples pets

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Guest bullterrier
I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.



who made you judge and jury looks like you got a taste of your own medicine there

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Guest gaz100604

what a great thread this is i had no idea that i could tell tem to fook off. i feed the dogs in am just before work and come back in evening around 6ish and theres obiviuusly a few piles of shite on the yard floor which i pick up every morning and every evening, imagine if theyd caught me just comming in from work and seen a few piles of shite in the yard.and get done for it even though it always cleaned and bleached , and dogs are walked 2hrs in the evening , b*****ds.

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1. how do you know it was him that slashed your tires? ANYONE could have done it, surely there is more than one c**t in your neigborhood?


2. you could have snuck down in the dead of night and put an unsigned typed note in his mailbox if you didn't want to confront him face to face like an adult saying if he did not improve the dogs living conditions within the week you would report him. And then if nothing is done, knick the dog and find him a good home yourself :)


3. having problems with your neighbors is no good, sometimes it is better to ignore the situation rather than having a (possibly) lifetime enemy living right next door. You have 3 options now, mind your own business, move, or plant some classA in his car and grass him up again.


Sorry but supporting the RSPCA is a dead end road ... I agree that the intent behind SOME of the workers might be good and pure and all that shit, but the CORE f*****g INTENT is pure poison when it comes to OUR RIGHTS to hunt.

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They did not get their hands on it, it was given to a local Kennels a few miles away who specialise in rehoming animals. woman is a saint who has saved 100's of dogs lives.


As for the tyres thing, he is the only real a**hole in my small close. It was definitley him.


He cannot actually look after his kids properly, why do people like that get dogs?


Fact is i dont activly support the RSPCA, i shoot and hunt, my girlfriend hunts BUT we also dont like to see animals suffer at the hands of sh*gwits.


If you are telling me i had no right to call them out then thats fair enough, but i felt it was the best thing to do, and i think the outcome proved that.


Really should change subjects ass this prick doesnt require any more of my typing!

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They did not get their hands on it, it was given to a local Kennels a few miles away who specialise in rehoming animals. woman is a saint who has saved 100's of dogs lives.


If the rspca responded to your call, it is unlikely they'd pass a dog to another agency or kennels.


As for the tyres thing, he is the only real a**hole in my small close. It was definitley him.


Did you see him doing it? If not then it wasn't "definitely" anything.


He cannot actually look after his kids properly, why do people like that get dogs?


f**k me, are you going to ring the NSPCC or Social Services next?



Fact is i dont activly support the RSPCA,


Yes, you do, you rang them and informed on someone you could have dealt with yourself, you gave them your attention and respect and asked them to sort a situation out you were not able to.

Until people treat them as the uniformed charity that they are, then they will continue to act like a government or law enforcement agency, the old lady in the local Oxfam shop has the very same authority and legal standing when it comes to entering property and demanding to see animals.



Sorry fella but you write as though you are a bit of a shithouse.

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I jumped straigh on the phone, strangley enough when he had been reported for no car insurance, and working whilst on the dole he thought it was me(which it wasnt!) so 2 of my car tyres suddenly felt the need to deflate. So no, i didnt knock on his door and ask him why he was mistreating his dog.


you should mind your own business and worry about your own dogs. you are not a hunter if you are co operating with an anti hunting organisation you can not sit on the fence in this debate you pick your side, the last animal scrounger came to my door i said not interested and slammed the door his face.


LOL @cartman

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