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What would you do in this situation

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A difficult situation until your there I guess ;) Personally I would never lay my hands on a women (steady boys :D ) but great restraint would be required not to lose ones temper. I find these cretins and there Ideas so far removed from my own that we are different species............I'm human :laugh:


P.S. I have occasionally taken one of my German Shepherds shooting and he isn't as friendly with people touching my property as the labs in the footage. :laugh:

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that guy deserves a knighthood 4mins 29 the time she put her hands on my things that would be it sorry,

folks but if the woman i say that in the butchest of terms wants to pratt around like guys then you treat em the same

way you would have done a bloke :whistling:

and i know i'll probably get slaughtered for saying that but i ain't got no chip on my shoulder i've got the sack of spuds

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this is just it they come miles out of there way just to cause shit ,for what they aint stopping no one i bet that lad cruised of and had a days sport right after that video finished ,if they dont like it stay away

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