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Came home from school just now to find a package with my name on it, as i thought, i opened it and i was my light force blitz variable and i must say the price was amazing £114 at ian hodge web site, all the other places were between £130-£140.So im very happy now and cant wait for the week end





Edited by whippeter69
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Get it rewired, pronto........ :whistling::laugh::thumbs:


Done it mate, only took me 2 mins, im class you see :whistling::boogie::gunsmilie:



Ok....explain to the numpty faction, (ie me!) :icon_redface:

The connections that come on them, have a tendency to drop apart due to expansion, once the lamps been on for a while and they heat up. Not a serious problem, but it's a pisser if you're in a field with the beam on something and it goes off, leaving you franticly scrabbling around trying to re-attach it! :laugh:


In all seriousness, you'd have thought that they'd have sorted something out, because it's not as if they are cheap! :thumbs:

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Guest foxyjo.
Get it rewired, pronto........ :whistling::laugh::thumbs:


Done it mate, only took me 2 mins, im class you see :whistling::boogie::gunsmilie:



Ok....explain to the numpty faction, (ie me!) :icon_redface:

The connections that come on them, have a tendency to drop apart due to expansion, once the lamps been on for a while and they heat up. Not a serious problem, but it's a pisser if you're in a field with the beam on something and it goes off, leaving you franticly scrabbling around trying to re-attach it! :laugh:


In all seriousness, you'd have thought that they'd have sorted something out, because it's not as if they are cheap! :thumbs:


mmm...thanks for that. :thumbs:

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1st picture is of a block connector to connect the lamp, i use this because i can put the little black connector that comes with the kit, it means that i can put it on any lamp and i can charge it to easily


2nd picture. The two black boxes that come with the light force kit


3rd picture. is of a fuse holder that i bought from motor world for £2.29


4th and 5th picture of two butt connector also from motor world.


Its a simple design i thought of and i can connect it to any lamp






Edited by whippeter69
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