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EDRD - Article by Ginner

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I dont know how many, if any of you fellow forums boys and girls get EDRD (most I suspect), but I thought I have to pay a compliment to one article in particular :toast: , by a forum member called Ginner (I think). Apparently this article won a prize on this forum at some point. We could all do with taking a leaf from his book before we decide to breed a litter of ANY working dogs. Well done for a really good article written Ginner, and good on Dave Harcombe for publishing it in EDRD. :notworthy::notworthy: .Have one on me boys. :drink:

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I dont know how many, if any of you fellow forums boys and girls get EDRD (most I suspect), but I thought I have to pay a compliment to one article in particular :toast: , by a forum member called Ginner (I think). Apparently this article won a prize on this forum at some point. We could all do with taking a leaf from his book before we decide to breed a litter of ANY working dogs. Well done for a really good article written Ginner, and good on Dave Harcombe for publishing it in EDRD. :notworthy::notworthy: .Have one on me boys. :drink:
It was a good article no doubt.I always enjoy your own articles by the way.You sound down to earth and a man who respects quarry and dogs.There was an article in october which was a bit sad i thought.When a man promotes his dogs in words and pictures and at the same time is trying to sell one of them in the back for £50 it says something about the kind of mentallity of some folk.they are all talk but when it comes right down to it everything in there kennel is either for hire or forsale.
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