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This is one of my tarantula's its a cobalt blue [Haplopelma lividum] . It is female the leg span is 6 1/2 inches when fully stretched out. This is not for a [[beginner]] :big_boss: this is a hardcore tarantula :gunsmilie:

if you are interested in her then im open to reasonable offers! Located in Sth Wales




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we have a plain old Mexican Red Rump found in California, we've had her for almost 5 years so she's got to be getting old now. THAT one you have is gorgeous, and if I was ever going to get another, that would have to be the type. LOVELY!


when you say it's not for a beginner, do you mean they are agressive and can't be held? Ours just hangs out in it's terraneum, it's not handled. Or is that type not appropriate to be kept in "regular" terraneum conditions?

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Cobalt blues are burrowers and you'll hardly ever see it and if you do keep your fingers away or it'll bite them. When I sold mine I was nudging it into a container with forceps when it decided to run up them towards my hand and I couldn't get them off my thumb :icon_eek: , been bit by a chile rose and didn't fancy a wallop of that.

They are imported more than their bred in captivity from thailand and burma etc, there was an influx of them a couple of years ago where all the suppliers couldn't shift them and you could pick them up for less than 20 quid, 25 for a guaranteed female (laid egg sac after being imported).

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