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Old pics !!!

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This is a pic of my dad with the old bitch nell (start of my current bloodline) and a saluki lurcher dog he had. The catch was taken around derbyshire with ferrets bolting the rabbits for the dogs. My dad didn't keep the saluki cross for long as he didn't 'click' with the dog, the dog then went to someone who mainly coursed hares.




And this is a pic of me (when i was a nipper) after my first ever night out on the lamp (with the above mentioned saluki cross). I can remember every detail of that night and still go on the same land that we lamped that night now.

Looking at that picture now i'm starting to feel old !!!!!


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Just a picture of dog of different breeding to what i'm used to. As you will have notiched i was brought up with saluki based lurchers, but have also had a bull x and my dad had this dog, which is basically pure Deerhound (no papers, bought from gypsy's as a pup).

This dog has been a decent enough animal (even catching a few rabbits on the lamp now and again) but he had one big let down, SIZE. It wasn't so much his height more his weight, as if the dog hit anything while running then damage would occur, usually to the dog !!!! Also a big heavy dog is limited to what ground they can run on !!!!

He had a great nose, great brain and was decent on hares but for some reason there just not my type of dog !!!!!


All the best Tommy ;);)

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Here's a pic of one of my current bitches with here first ever fox. The bitch caught this in about August, while i was out one morning giving the dogs a bit of fitness work. She hunted it up in some rough grass in a old cattle field and then pulled it down after a short course. By the time i got to the fox she had killed it with very little fuss. The bitch has had a few foxes over the last few seasons but not enough to class her as a genuine fox taking lurcher as she's used mainly as a coursing dog.


All the best Tommy ;);)

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  • 4 years later...

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