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OK me and Mark are going to have a wee chat on the phone sort out all this shite, so that is my final say on the matter :victory:


Tomo keep off the biscuits mate, too addictive for a man in his prime like you :tongue2:

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Mind reader are you Irish Pup? :clapper: Mark may be the BIGGEST and BEST bragger on here (have to give him credit where its due :clapper: ) but hes not the only one by far. Trust me if I want to say something to someone directly Im not shy about naming them and getting on with it. Ive been around on this forum since way before Mark joined or a lot of other members, I was invited to the first private site Ian ran, before he started this one, and which as Ive said many times before was the BEST hunting site there has ever been :notworthy: so you my friend can escort yourself elswhere if my posts aint suiting you :tongue2:

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Ive not had my nose in Ian's arse but that was only cos Darcy asked first and he promised me he would give me sweeties if I did :clapper:

If you dont shut it I will have to flash you a pic of my tits that will really give you something to f*****g moan about :clapper: think Magda from something about Mary :tongue2:

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finally i have got up lol ,good write up again TOMO and pic,it was a pity Tara took that knock so early on into the night otherwise i think we could have caught alot more rabbits.hows the car running now?That pup of yours ASD is going to be some dog ,nice turn of speed and strike on her and i cant remember her even panting at the end of the night ,deffinatley had plenty of wind left in her.Lucky you brought HH with you to re-catch the rabbits your young pup dropped lol,by the sounds of it your new member is a do or die sort .you should have plenty of sport with those two this season.i had my own problem with FLY aswell ,she had torn her stopper pad in half during her morning stretch yesterday after a long 3 weeks laid up with a couple bad toes.so we have done hardly any lamping in that time so she was not going to be as fit as normal.but we did well anyway and i was more than pleased with her.we had alot of sport when TOMO showed me where to go,plenty of rabbits but because of the terrain it was more in the rabbits favour, there was so many hills and ditches the rabbits where over the brows so trying to keep up with dog and rabbit was very difficult.she missed as many as she caught no fault of her own most of time but we had plenty of sport.thanks again TOMO for a great night and it was nice meeting you Andy and hh and a pleasure to lamp with you.possibly again in the near future. :victory:.


good hunting



Edited by REW
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Guest markbrick1
  TOMO said:
same here andy back to mine at 5am dog fed and stitched, then bed . up at 8 to get our young un ready for scool.


young uns today :whistling:

most lampers i know dont get up till apm,you lads must be super lampers :clapper::clapper::clapper::clapper:

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normally im up much earlier but i couldnt find the energy to drag myself out of bed lol.the torn part on her stopper has came of altogether now during last nights running.looks alot better now and doesnt seem to be bothering her,still her usual self today pissing about but like you said im going to just keep it clean and just have her road walking for abit . all the best


good hunting



Edited by REW
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well done fellas, good thread and good pics, sounds like the young bitch is gonna have the hereditary stamina mate,but you be careful running about in them there dales at your age and wrap up warm,lol, all the best to all concerned and keep the threads/pics coming, cheers HF.

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