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fox calls

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go to www.foxcalluk.co.uk. its £10 and its the best fox call you will ever get. everyone i know who has one has called loads of foxes with them


atb mike

i have one as well 31 foxes from the start of august best thing i have ever bught for a tenner
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go to www.foxcalluk.co.uk. its £10 and its the best fox call you will ever get. everyone i know who has one has called loads of foxes with them


atb mike


yes its pretty good i use this then change to the wam when there in close

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thanks guys i will have a look on the website has any one tryd the ( Cass Creek Digital Predator Call )


and how do you use youre hand i have seen a few people doing this and its effective


and also on a few occations iv heard foxes like barking - howling back at me when tryn to squeek them

and we had 1 one night couldnt see it it was in some woods and when we were lamping it started barking like mad and was running at us couldnt se it but it was close to us and moving fast to be honest i was shi--ing my self lol

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i was out lamping last night and i was calling in a fox when all of a sudden a vixen in the next field started howling .Is this unusual for this time of year?

i think foxes are pairing up for January. :thumbs:

the hand is a good dsqueak but it can run out :laugh:

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Brought one of those fox callers as we have over five fox`s around here, So i couldnt wait to give it ago, as there was so many good reports with this device.

So out i went out and not a bloody thing out there for the last two nights, the wife said i was conned LOL! All i saw was a pussy cat running towards me.

Is there a better way of using this devise. :wallbash:


LOL. James

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made a fox call tonight. cut the squeeky part out of a dog toy its a small white thing. then drill the end off an empty .223 bullet case then super glue the white squeeky thing into the end of the bullet case. drill a small very small hole in the side of the case. simply blow through the case varying the pitch by placing a fingure over the small breather hole...


fox call made.....!


or just go buy one

Edited by Stevebeno
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