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kit hating jill

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Mrs noddy here, just wondered if any of you guys have experiance of above ? 2 yo speyed jill never had kit, accepts adults ok, but will not accept 5 kits I have had since they were 8 weeks old, now 5-6moths old, it's not mothering she actually attacks them and they skunk. I would like to get them all together but may have to wait until they are adult and hopefully they will integrate. Anyone any ideas ? cheers

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well to be honest there adults your introducing her to & 5 of them, no wonder she is creating , if she has been a lone ferret for a long time then she will need time to get used to the new ferrets.


She may never accept another ferret, i have had jills here who just wont tollerate another ferret anywhere near them, you have to think of the ferrets welfare if she is spitting venum she isnt happy & the other ferrets wont fair well if there constantly being atacked by her , in all honesty if its not broken dont try to mend it, lots of people have to have seperate groups of ferrets and if you do manage to get the ballence right all it takes is one new ferret to create havoc again, a lesson i learned the hard way many yrs ago

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jill is kept with 3 other hobs and has never been on her own. The kits were introduced to her one by one in neutral ground and she did scruff them and I didn't intervene until it got out of hand with her, all kits are scared of her even the 6mth old hob who is big and boistrous.It would be great if they could all get on, the hobs are great with kits. 2 of the hobs are rescues that i have and she was happy to have them move in. If only they could talk...

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sometimes you just have to leave them to sort out their pecking order the natural way and aslong as the pen is big enough with more than one sleeping area then the kits can get away from the jill. I would just put them in and wait, i bet by 2/3 days they will all be sorted. The other thing to do is take her out put the kits in so they make it their territory/home for 1 week then put the jill back in, the kits will be more confident if they are in their own territory and wont be as scared of her if she starts. just my opinion. Let me know how you get on :victory:

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have tried leaving them to it, she actively hunts them and is vicious as hell, even when they submit to her she doesn't stop. tried them all at once and one at a time no difference with her reaction. Find it wierd that she'll accept adults without a murmer but any kit she'll attack, she accidently got hold of a friends kit at a racing event , only got her off by covering her mouth and nose til she gave up

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At 4/5 months old there adults and i reckon she's putting them in there place as she want's to be top of the tree.If she's not killing them its up to you to leave them and hope it settles down or remove them into a hutch of there own and wait a bit and try again

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having the same problem,introduced a young ferret that was found near my house and my castrated male is giving it a hard time.there are 3 nest boxes so they can get away from each other.He was the same with two young males but they outgrew him and he sort of gave it up.forgot to say ,the young ferret is a jill.I would add that for all the screaming, a lot of the time he is'nt doing very much to her and it has calmed over the last couple of weeks although still going on.Also he did hunt her at the start.

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have tried leaving them to it, she actively hunts them and is vicious as hell, even when they submit to her she doesn't stop. tried them all at once and one at a time no difference with her reaction. Find it wierd that she'll accept adults without a murmer but any kit she'll attack, she accidently got hold of a friends kit at a racing event , only got her off by covering her mouth and nose til she gave up


If she is that bad i would leave her with the males she is accustomed to & have 2 groups of ferrets rather than stress all of them out , in an ideal world they would all live in a large court with no problems

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