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I feel mortified LG at such a scurrilous besmirchment upon my character :no: However,I never hold a grudge good sir,and we have recently secured sole notcurnal fishing rights on a PRIME chalk-stream beat jumping with quality wild brownies and grayling of good-size,your more than welcome to fish the water as out guest LG,any time ;)

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  leegreen said:
You could easy charge people if you were allowed to fish it I don't think Joe public would be too happy if he were paying a premium to fish and had to do a runner :laugh: , if you could make a good enough advert for wild brown trout fishing with some pics. The only down fall would be that Mackem and Joe may empty it if you charge too much :clapper: .


What are trying to suggest Lee :icon_eek: No one will have to do a runner I have extensive fishing rights on this stretch :victory: Caught hundreds of fish from it over the years I've lived here. Mackem and Joe can come and wet a line If they like, I don't keep the stretch all to myself, I just don't let anyone know the good pools :whistling:

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  leegreen said:
  aaronpigeonplucker said:
  mackem said:
Hopefully we will get one or two tonight,only ever fly-fished once before :whistling:


ar those rainbows in that picure? if so fly fishing is very good but once i tried WILD fly fishing, well that's better still! fishing for wild fish is much harder than firing lures into a stocked fishery where all the trout are idiots! once you've mastered fishry fishing move on to fishing WILD rivers and lakes for WILD brown trout, grayling and sea trout. :thumbs: wild fish are a lot more :hmm: crafty!


come Mackem tell them the rod was a prop.

I have fished for 35 years and have fished pretty much every type of fishing from hand lines, bamboo canes, spears, bow and arrow, all types of rods from whips to 50lb class boat rods, from stickle back nets to gill nets and only recently started fly fishing and I must say it's the best type of fishing there is and by best I mean you get the most out of your fish no matter species it is. It is a very(dare I say it without Mackem slating me)intamate way of fishing and by that I mean you feel every thing the fish does and are in control of its movements unlike most other rod fishing where you use a clutch or drag mechanism, the clutch/drag is your hands.

Fly fishing is very versitile, if you are a fisherman/woman you need it in your life :thumbs: , trust me you won't be disapointed.

so isnt playing a fish on fly gear like playing a fish when using a center pin? your connected to the fish same way. like i said on a previous post, im not slagging off fly fishing, infact i really want to give it a go some time soon

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  mackem said:
I feel mortified LG at such a scurrilous besmirchment upon my character :no: However,I never hold a grudge good sir,and we have recently secured sole notcurnal fishing rights on a PRIME chalk-stream beat jumping with quality wild brownies and grayling of good-size,your more than welcome to fish the water as out guest LG,any time ;)


Thats very kind of you, I may take you up on that one day when I've saved up my £1 :victory: .

And seriuosly Maty you could earn money taking people fly fishing for wild browns. I've herd many people paying good money for wild browns and catching nish :thumbdown: .

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  leegreen said:
  mackem said:
I feel mortified LG at such a scurrilous besmirchment upon my character :no: However,I never hold a grudge good sir,and we have recently secured sole notcurnal fishing rights on a PRIME chalk-stream beat jumping with quality wild brownies and grayling of good-size,your more than welcome to fish the water as out guest LG,any time ;)


Thats very kind of you, I may take you up on that one day when I've saved up my £1 :victory: .

And seriuosly Maty you could earn money taking people fly fishing for wild browns. I've herd many people paying good money for wild browns and catching nish :thumbdown: .

I am a magnanimous soul LG,please,allow me to pay for your session :victory:

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I have fished for 35 years and have fished pretty much every type of fishing from hand lines, bamboo canes, spears, bow and arrow, all types of rods from whips to 50lb class boat rods, from stickle back nets to gill nets and only recently started fly fishing and I must say it's the best type of fishing there is and by best I mean you get the most out of your fish no matter species it is. It is a very(dare I say it without Mackem slating me)intamate way of fishing and by that I mean you feel every thing the fish does and are in control of its movements unlike most other rod fishing where you use a clutch or drag mechanism, the clutch/drag is your hands.

Fly fishing is very versitile, if you are a fisherman/woman you need it in your life :thumbs: , trust me you won't be disapointed.

so isnt playing a fish on fly gear like playing a fish when using a center pin? your connected to the fish same way. like i said on a previous post, im not slagging off fly fishing, infact i really want to give it a go some time soon


No because center pin fishing the line is still on the reel fly fishing the line is on the floor/water and controlled by the hands only unless you wish to put it on the reel an option not open to a center pin. And fly rods(smaller weight ones)are one handed unlike most troting or float fishing rods which adds to the action, hope that answers some questions.

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You'd catch fish on this stream Lee, mostly small but there wild and brown trout if that's your thing. I don't think the stream Is what most would have In mind though, a beautiful chalk stream It Is not. Crystal water In most parts untill It drops to 3-4ft. It could do with abit of a tidy up really but the fish are there.

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  ferreter_joe said:
  leegreen said:
  maty j said:
  aaronpigeonplucker said:
ar those rainbows in that picure? if so fly fishing is very good but once i tried WILD fly fishing, well that's better still! fishing for wild fish is much harder than firing lures into a stocked fishery where all the trout are idiots! once you've mastered fishry fishing move on to fishing WILD rivers and lakes for WILD brown trout, grayling and sea trout. :thumbs: wild fish are a lot more :hmm: crafty!


I've never seen the atraction in catching small river trout for sport. I was flicking through trout and salmon the other day and they were catching brownies no bigger than your hand. Theres a stream by me that has loads of them in this size, perhaps I should charge folk to fish It, could even show them were there Is some nice spots too that hold a bigger fish or 2 :victory:


Got any good spots edjay on the rivers were you can catch some proper sized fish :D


You could easy charge people if you were allowed to fish it I don't think Joe public would be too happy if he were paying a premium to fish and had to do a runner :laugh: , if you could make a good enough advert for wild brown trout fishing with some pics. The only down fall would be that Mackem and Joe may empty it if you charge too much :clapper: .


:icon_eek::icon_eek: The cheek of some people. You criticise us because your jealous we catch so many fish on the dry fly yet every other weekend your stalking around the local village pond with a bow and arrow and a spear. I can see you now, loin cloth and all. If i was you i would be to ashamed to admit such barbaric practices, your no better than polish pete. :thumbdown:

:clapper: that brought on some funny images :lol:

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  maty j said:
You'd catch fish on this stream Lee, mostly small but there wild and brown trout if that's your thing. I don't think the stream Is what most would have In mind though, a beautiful chalk stream It Is not. Crystal water In most parts untill It drops to 3-4ft. It could do with abit of a tidy up really but the fish are there.


Yes I forgot to ask about the look of the place very important to some people and yes it is a lot of peoples thing to catch wild browns.

"Polish Pete" Joe? can't really say I liked carp too much although I tryed it a couple of times, my old friend shot one once with a .410 when I was about 12 it weighed about 10lb we cooked it and tryed it and it was yuck so we fed it to the dogs and ferrets poor fecker won't be doing any thing like that now though he is in a wheel chair with a crack and smack habit god save his soul. The loin cloth may be a good idea may improve my shot I may have to use a long ginger wig though just incase the somebody reconises me down the village pond.

Edited to say I don't endorse shooting fish with a .410

Edited by leegreen
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A ginger wig LG?If its a loincloth your wearing lets just hope that long ginger wig isnt of the merkin variety :thumbdown:

Edited to say I dont endorse loincloth-clad middle-aged geezers traipsing around wearing long-ginger merkins :icon_eek:

Edited by mackem
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Your welcome to try my stream out Lee, see what you think, day or night fishing :yes: From what Mackem says about his 300 a day stream he fishes I think 299 Is acceptable and you can even fill your boots with the fish you catch If you so choose. Mind you feck the money, give me a nite invite on Essex's finest water and your on!

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