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Guest Leveller

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under rules greyhound racing its banned to inject bitches to stop there seasons, but i agree that some try it , think its lads who were into the pitbull game, but i cant imganine that the dogs would get many seasons under its belt before it heart gives in constantly using it

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under rules greyhound racing its banned to inject bitches to stop there seasons, but i agree that some try it ,



Don't know where you got that from but it isn't true.

Rule 217 - Administration of medicaments to greyhounds

A Greyhound when taking part in a Race or Trial must at that time be free of medicines, tonics or substances that could affect its performance or well being, the origin of which could not be traced to normal and ordinary feeding. The only permitted exceptions to this Rule are:-


medicinal products which have been authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate for the suppression of a bitch's season, prescribed by a Veterinary Surgeon.

medicinal products which have been authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate as anti-parasitic drugs (for internal/external) parasites or as vaccines. The application of any substance, for any purpose on a Greyhound in the Racing Paddock, unless supplied, administered by and applied under the direct supervision of a licensed Veterinary Surgeon, is prohibited.


Any tonics, medicaments or other substances administered or applied to a Greyhound by a Trainer or Veterinary Surgeon shall be duly recorded in the Trainer's Greyhound Treatment Book, and that Greyhound must not race or trial for seven Days thereafter.


Note for information : Although most prohibited substances will clear the Greyhound?s system within seven Days, some products may still be detectable more than seven Days after administration. However, it is the responsibility of Owners and Trainers to satisfy themselves in every case that a Greyhound complies with Rule 217 when taking part in a Race

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Guest Leveller


Allow me


The only permitted exceptions to this Rule are:-


medicinal products which have been authorised by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate for the suppression of a bitch's season, prescribed by a Veterinary Surgeon.


that is pretty funny Shaun :clapper:

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I think it's a joke, you see dog in the east running multiple courses on hare, gazelle, in which is the equivilant to our hottest summers and all they get is dried pitta bread and other such scrap. This kind of aided conditioning is surely deteriorating the standards of running dogs here. IMO there are a lot of weak dogs being bred these days that need fussing and mollycoddled get get anything from.

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heres an idea for any knobheads out there that actually give their dogs steroids,after theyve had a good night on the lamp or daywork why dont you roll it a big fat spliff and put it some bob marley on to listen to,just to help it wind down after a good workout ffs the bodybuilders that take em can make their own minds up,the fecking dogs cant,its like giving it a child, arseholes imo

Edited by craigyboy
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steriods speed up the recovery rate of muscles not instantly add to size, someone who uses steriods instead of taking three days to recover from a workout now only takes one day so they can trian three times as much, so for any effect to take place on a dog they'd have to work it harder then ever other wise there just wasting there time. hence why i still respect athletes who use simply because of the amount they have to trian just to keep up.

i dont use and i would never use it on my dogs but iv been offered it for them not worth the health risks. i'm indifferent to the people who9 do give it to there dogs if there anything like me there not out to impress others they just want to catch stuff, so whats wrong as long as there not liying about it i berly see a dog living past five or six anyway each to there own its only costing them money they have to work the dog harder good luck to them

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