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hi everybody


feeling abit sh*tty today it because i suffer from fibromyalgia and the air pressure is low so it affects the way i feel as in , headache,feeling hot ( clamy) , chest pains, muscles twitching, tired,(just want to sleep) legs & arms hurt,side of face hurts, even my eye,s hurt, but apart from all that i,m great.

iv,e had this for the last five years and it took just as long for the Drs to say what it was because half of them don,t beleave in the illness so it hard to get treetment the one that do are sympathetic but carnt give anything but pain killers so we that have it just have to cope and hope it passes so we can do a little bit .

so just wondering if anyone else suffers with it or know anybody who do,s and how do they cope.


all the best & keep hunting



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I am lucky health wise a couple of bouts of plerecy & a blood clot but nothing serious, i hope you are feeling better soon, so keep your chin up & look forward to your good days & try not to let the bad days get you down to much , theres always someone to gossip to on here if your feeling a bit crappy


Kay x

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I'm confused. Fibromyalgia and ME are two totally different illnesses?


Not necessarily: fibromyalgia can be one of the symptoms of ME, and recent research suggests that there are many other apparently unrelated conditions which may well be linked. There is new data suggesting that a protein within a certain virus may be responsible, amongst other things!http://chronicfatigue.about.com/od/whatisc...fsfactsheet.htm


It's a b*****d of a thing to have to live with, and whilst not actually life threatening in itself, can be totally debilitating and ruin one's ability to lead a normal life.


Edited to add: the only way to keep going is to do as much as humanly possible. Keep shovelling down the anti-inflammatories and pain killers and get out hunting as often as you can. I know people who would have given up long ago if it wasn't for their dogs and their hunting.

Drinking a daily dose of Propolis helps as well: anti bacterial properties.

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thanks for replys guys


feeling abit better this morning had a restless night though but been out with my dog for 1/2 hour walk ( knackerd now) so having cup of tea now ( decafe) cos normal tea affects me too aswell as other food stuff .

i,m hopefully going out with my stinky,s this weekend if alls well so once again thanks for your replys.


keep hunting



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