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Just bought a webley 812 shotgun in walnut to 'cheer my self up' lol its got re-desinged piston and works really well no feed problems with standard 28g loads, i took it clay pigeon shooting on the weekend and i got more clays then i ever done before! it strips without any tools and its simple to take and put togather, and it was still clean after 70 shots through it!!



I'm going to do some practical shotgun this week, will a full choke work on buckshot? I've heard it can deform the pellets and cause large patterns instead?




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Guest JohnGalway

Buckshot is pretty useless for foxes to be honest. I've patterned buckshot carts out of my gun against large paper and plastic sheets, had a life sized for pic on then - facing me - I think one pellet from five carts hit him.


BB's will always be best for fox from a shotgun in my opinion.

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