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how did the old terrier men find there dogs

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just curisous as to how poeple before the terrier finders came about finding there dogs see i havnt know about terrier finders long we just use voicing terriers but it seems that not many of your dogs bark and proberly havnt for a long time so whats the go

cheers fellas

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i have done it a few times when i have been asked to help lads find their terriers that have "bobbed" in on excersise.

It depends on a couple of things how easy it is..

#1 wind......if its windy then you got little chance.

#2 depth, obviously the shallower , the easier it is to find the dog.

#3baying/holding....dogs style of work and how much noise they give out ....if a dog is still digging on, its very difficult unless the earth is a pisser.....


but like all things underground, theres alot of guesswork involved....JD

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Nothing better than ear to the ground listening to the dog working its stuff. Or ear to the chisel point of a bar after barring down a foot or so, easy to pinpoint where best to drop down. But if the dog is mute then,,,,,,,,,.

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