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Hybrid - definition of ?

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hybrid actually means crossing between two different species, therefore all the crossbred dogs are not really hybrids and hybrid vigor in dogs is really a false term. but it's still convenient terminology since nothing else really fits. true hybrid vigor is what occurs when you cross a horse and a donkey and get a really good mule that has the best qualities of both and none of the health issues of either.

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hybrid actually means crossing between two different species, therefore all the crossbred dogs are not really hybrids and hybrid vigor in dogs is really a false term. but it's still convenient terminology since nothing else really fits. true hybrid vigor is what occurs when you cross a horse and a donkey and get a really good mule that has the best qualities of both and none of the health issues of either.

That's what I would have said! :thumbs:

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hybrid actually means crossing between two different species, therefore all the crossbred dogs are not really hybrids and hybrid vigor in dogs is really a false term. but it's still convenient terminology since nothing else really fits. true hybrid vigor is what occurs when you cross a horse and a donkey and get a really good mule that has the best qualities of both and none of the health issues of either.


:clapper: Although true in the scientific sense, and being convenient in as much as there is nothing else in the dictionary to use, Hybrid vigour and Hybrids occur when you cross 'two' dogs of dissimilar lines, producing dogs that are generally better than parents..


SO, along that lines............. can a greyhound/whippet/bedlington be a hybrid ???

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with in dogs it's crossing different TYPES to get "better" dog. because hereditary defects are usually shared by all breeds within a type crossbreeding within the type doesn't necessarily produce more vigorous dogs. however most hereditary defects are suppressed in the first cross between two different type say terrierXbulldog, terrierXsighthound, sighthoundXbulldog, terrierXscenthound and so on. further breeding of the original cross to include the introduction of an additional breed(s) of types already used allows suppressed defects to reappear.

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where does hybrid stop an mongrel begin....


I don't think it does, I've been googling :icon_eek:Meaning of Hybrid:

[Origin: 1595–1605; < L hybrida, hibrida a crossbred animal]



—Synonyms 5. Hybrid, mongrel refer to animals or plants of mixed origin. Hybrid is the scientific term: hybrid corn; a hybrid variety of sheep. Mongrel, used originally of dogs to denote the offspring of crossings of different breeds, is now extended to other animals and to plants; it is usually deprecatory, as denoting mixed, nondescript, or degenerate breed or character: a mongrel pup.

—Antonyms 5. purebred, thoroughbred.




1601, from L. hybrida, var. of ibrida "mongrel," specifically "offspring of a tame sow and a wild boar," of unknown origin but probably from Gk. and somehow related to hubris. A rare word before c.1850.



hybrid (hī'brĭd) Pronunciation Key


An organism that is the offspring of two parents that differ in one or more inheritable characteristics, especially the offspring of two different varieties of the same species or the offspring of two parents belonging to different species. In agriculture and animal husbandry, hybrids of different varieties and species are bred in order to combine the favorable characteristics of the parents. Hybrids often display hybrid vigor. The mule, which is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse, is an example of a hybrid. It is strong for its size and has better endurance and a longer useful lifespan than its parents. However, mules are sterile, as are many animals that are hybrids between two species.



Meaning of Mongrel


6 dictionary results for: Mongrel

Dictionary.com Unabridged (v 1.1) - Cite This Source - Share This

mon·grel /ˈmʌŋgrəl, ˈmɒŋ-/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[muhng-gruhl, mong-] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation

–noun 1. a dog of mixed or indeterminate breed.

2. any animal or plant resulting from the crossing of different breeds or varieties.

3. any cross between different things, esp. if inharmonious or indiscriminate.

–adjective 4. of mixed breed, nature, or origin; of or like a mongrel.





[Origin: 1425–75; late ME (once): heraldic term for a type of dog; equiv. to mong(e) mixture (OE gemang; cf. mingle) + -rel]


—Related forms

mon·grel·ism, mon·grel·ness, noun

mon·grel·ly, adverb



—Synonyms 1. mutt. 2. cross, half-breed. See hybrid.


mon·grel (mŭng'grəl, mŏng'-) Pronunciation Key


An animal or a plant resulting from various interbreedings, especially a dog of mixed or undetermined breed.

A cross between different breeds, groups, or varieties, especially a mixture that is or appears to be incongruous.


adj. Of mixed origin or character.



[Middle English, probably from mong, mixture, from Old English gemang; see mag- in Indo-European roots.]




1486, "mixed breed dog," from obs. mong "mixture," from O.E. gemong "mingling" (base of among), from P.Gmc. *mong- "mix." With pejorative suffix (cf. wastrel). Meaning "person not of pure race" is from 1542.





1. derogatory term for a variation that is not genuine; something irregular or inferior or of dubious origin; "the architecture was a kind of b*****d suggesting Gothic but not true Gothic" [syn: b*****d]

2. an inferior dog or one of mixed breed [syn: cur]



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Guest scottish-staffy
hybrid actually means crossing between two different species, therefore all the crossbred dogs are not really hybrids and hybrid vigor in dogs is really a false term. but it's still convenient terminology since nothing else really fits. true hybrid vigor is what occurs when you cross a horse and a donkey and get a really good mule that has the best qualities of both and none of the health issues of either.


:clapper: Although true in the scientific sense, and being convenient in as much as there is nothing else in the dictionary to use, Hybrid vigour and Hybrids occur when you cross 'two' dogs of dissimilar lines, producing dogs that are generally better than parents..


SO, along that lines............. can a greyhound/whippet/bedlington be a hybrid ???

nope its a trybrid :tongue2::clapper:

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