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Kenneling a pup

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Getting a lurcher pup soon

Going too be living outside

Wondering if i should start as i mean to go on

Or bring it up in the house untill a certain age

If it should be kept in side what age would i be able to put it outside at?

Would prefer too have it inside but just wondering for the first few months

but wonderin if keeping it inside then keeping it outside would be unfair on it?




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Start it of out side straight away ive never had any problems you might get a bit of whining for the first night dont give in or you will regret it feed it well and regular you be fine :good:



totally agree,,start as you mean to go on ,I made this mistake with my cocker pup :thumbs:

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Thanks alot guys ;)



hi there depends what ur plans are with the dog.. my lurcher began life in the house when i was at work ect... untill he decided to chew the place to bits so i decided to build a kennel in the garden 10ft square. so now the pup goes in the cage whenever am out the house. when am in the house hes welcome in and sleeps on the floor. at first he disliked it but some meaty bones to chew and good walks he seems to like it. his morning feed is in the kennel so he soon races in there..


all the best

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