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puttingmy ferrets back with my kits

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hi guys i have 2 kits which are same size as my other jills in one hutch. and in the other hutch i have a vas hob and 2 jills.

when i put the hob and jills in with the kits the 2 jills grabbed the kits by the neck and would let go theres was loas of squelling.

will they sort it out which normally happens or what? there is also a big run attached to the hutch there in.

any help would be great

thanks sean

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hi guys i have 2 kits which are same size as my other jills in one hutch. and in the other hutch i have a vas hob and 2 jills.

when i put the hob and jills in with the kits the 2 jills grabbed the kits by the neck and would let go theres was loas of squelling.

will they sort it out which normally happens or what? there is also a big run attached to the hutch there in.

any help would be great

thanks sean


Its just the jills mothering insticts mate.The kits will soon toughen up.How old are the kits?

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4 months roughly. one of the kits are hiding in bed and other is hiding in a pipe n there hissin and squellin at her. i have took the other 2 adults out so its jus kits n mother in for now.

i will put the other 2 in 2mrw i think. what u think enter all or one at a time?

cheers sean

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4 months roughly. one of the kits are hiding in bed and other is hiding in a pipe n there hissin and squellin at her. i have took the other 2 adults out so its jus kits n mother in for now.

i will put the other 2 in 2mrw i think. what u think enter all or one at a time?

cheers sean


Well i put my kits in with their mother and she did try and drag them about,but soon stopped as the kits got older.I would try putting all the kits in together mate.She wont harm them and as for the kits hissing thats nothingh to worry about.Just give a few days and all should be settled down

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there not trying to drag them to nest box there grabbin them by the neck and shaking them about.my mates jill was draggin his to nest so thats why i know its not that.

the kits slept outside in the run all nite and the adults were in the nest box.also the kitts are scared and wont go up into the hutch.they wont leave the run.

thanks sean

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I will still go with them being motherly.If they were gonna kill em they would already be dead.I would leave them for a cpl days see if they get a bit of backbone.If your concerned and you feel the need remove them mate.You say they slept in the court,do you have a sleeping box in their?If you dont and they continue to sleep out there i would get something sorted out.Its getting pretty cold at nights now.Hope this helps.

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going to make one for them down there. they were voiding them all nite so i have them all in jus the hut ive closed the court so they can sort it out rather than avoid.

ive had things like this happen loads of time jus was worried bout them bcoz as u say its gettin cold and they slept in a tube outside.

thanks will let u know how they get on


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At four month old they should be mature enough to live with the rest of the ferrets but unfortunatly that also means they start at the bottom of the pack i reckon they will settle in after a couple of days

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