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its here i orderd some of that SHOOT MORE stuff to see weather its any good!!!


right thirst things first this stuff stinks there is no way im gona pour it all over my kit and f**k it all up!! it looks like rabbit shit waterd down with cokeacola and curry powder, :icon_eek::icon_eek::icon_eek:


before i reck hundreds of pounds worth of clothing :big_boss: i will place some of this gear in a spot where i can watch from a distance and see if there is any intrest in this attractor :hmm::hmm:


if rabbits flock to it then maybe ill follow his instructions but as or his field craft i no myne is fine so i wont change anything there if this stuf works which i dont think it will!! :thumbdown:


i will then cover my gear in it and sit out for the night and see what i can pop off


i should get out tomorrow or the night after and try it ill spray it on a spot and sit there for a good few hours and see what happens


ill keep you all posted!! :gunsmilie:

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ok chears rabbit killer :thumbs: i supose its kindof like deer musk that american hunters use for hunting deer ?

sounds good if it works no more crawling through hedges to get too rabbits the buggers come too you :)



could be will,

we never no could work great but imho i dont think it will, but i could be wrong!!!


thats why i asked if anyone had used it and they all said no si after seing his clips on youtube it didnt realy prove anyfing so i thought id try it and at least we would all no the truth and have a real review on the stuff!!





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I have been thinking and a'pondering this Shoot More rabbit attractant for quite some long while now, and have come to the idea that maybe it is nothing more than a ickle bottle of (and you ain't gonna like this! :laugh: ) . . . . . . .




Watered down/diluted Rabbit piss! :laugh: :sick: :whistling:




And if my thinking on this is right, and that it is indeed the case of the above, i'll be damned if I will ever put any of it over (A) any of my kit, or (B) me! lol



Rather you than me bud - thats all I'll say! ;):whistling:





All the best of luck mate,


Edited by Grim Reaper
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with things like this it takes away the fun aspect as it just gets to easy.. im not saying this stuff works but i think its just another stuped gimik.. but isnt that one of the challenges of air rifles if they can smell you and things like that?

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with things like this it takes away the fun aspect as it just gets to easy.. im not saying this stuff works but i think its just another stuped gimik.. but isnt that one of the challenges of air rifles if they can smell you and things like that?



you are right if it worked!! but there are some places that have been lamped to deth by poachers :censored: and they are just so hard to control when there hiding :wallbash::wallbash: ....if this stuff doe's bring em out it will give me a fighting chance in doing my job for the golf club owner!! :gunsmilie:

as 1 or 2 a night isnt quite curbing the population and the last thing i want is him to get peed off with me!!! :thumbdown:

so i gota give it a go!!!


if it dont work then its time to lern about ferrits :icon_eek: seen as i got me dogs now

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