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white lakelands

Guest gazza

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Hey Gazz if its a white lakey you're after there's a bargain in the CMW this week. Don't expect any to be left though at the bargain price of....................wait for it.................................£500 a pup!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Hey Gazz if its a white lakey you're after there's a bargain in the CMW this week. Don't expect any to be left though at the bargain price of....................wait for it.................................£500 a pup!!!!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

iv got 700 waiting :whistling: potatoes that is

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some of them do look like russels. white lakelands seems to be the word of the moment(especailly around teh show ring :rolleyes: ), the truth, most wouldnt even know and on the whole it dosent matter!. most would come from russell x breeding, and there would be very few true white lakies although some lines do throw more than others.


so tell me, is this a lakey or a russell?


white lakies been round since the 70s nowt new show ring or not
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its a full russell gazza!


stig,i know they have been around,as have choc dogs, but never been so much in fashion or demand!


she dosent need a collor selwyn, not now hes left me his t-bar, blokes a messer!!

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these 2 fellas dont look like jr

i dont have anything agneist jrts i had them a couple of years boch there a brilliant dog but there not white lakies are they

are you saying u think these are jrt?

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Do you get white Patterdales or white fells or white Bedlingtons, if so why not. Why does the the lakeland jsut appeare to throw whites out of reds and black and tans. Im not a serious terrier man but this doesnt make much sense. Maybe i shoulkd start crossing patterdales with white russels and get white patterdales and then put them in the country mans weekly for £500 f**k it I will pack the work become a full time puppy farmer ship the to the USA for thousands live like a king.

theres some pat pups on here for sale 4 blacks one white

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Guest blackntan

these 2 fellas dont look like jr

i dont have anything agneist jrts i had them a couple of years boch there a brilliant dog but there not white lakies are they

are you saying u think these are jrt?

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