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Good pair of Hunting Boots ?

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Hello All,


I have about £100.00 to spend on a pair of hunting/beating boots, I have seen pairs twice this cost but cannot afford that much.


Does anybody have any advice on a pair for £100.00 approx ?




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Guest JohnGalway

Got myself a pair of full leather paratrooper boots in the Army & Navy store a few weeks back. Got dubbin for them as well. I've not had them very long but thye might yet shape up to be great boots. In your lots funny money ;) they would cost less than £50. Comfortable, warm, waterproof as long as you look after them, meaning clean after each outing and use the dubbin on them.

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Hello fatjoe,


I have priced a pair up on the net for £57.95.


They look quite beefy, what a your boots like ?, do they stand up to walking through woods and exremely wet fields ?


Are they comfortable for long periods ?



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