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  Kay said:
Totally agree with you, but it goes with the territory if you put up pics of yourself in next to nothing then your going to get fellas pming or commenting about you , there programmed to do that


Yep - and IMO that kind of behaviour makes it hard for the rest of us to be generally accepted as serious and not out fishing for blokes or comments about our tits or any other bits. To be honest it really burns my ass to see that on here.


I've found the same as Scally - met loads of blokes out and about who are, if nothing else, interested in my interest in hunting and will almost always take the time to stand around and gab about things. But sometimes on here you do get some real tossers. Mostly I just take them with a grain of salt or have a laugh about what they're writing, but some of it does get really OTT.

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  undisputed said:
Think it may have summit to do with the fact a lot of guy's dismiss the ladies as eye candy and not hunters...as soon as a girl/women comments in here she's either hit on or slagged off imo, which is a shame cause theres one or two in here could show the guy's a thing or two when it comes to hunting. :thumbs: Keep it up ladies



Couldn't off said it better myself :notworthy: :notworthy:

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  lurchergrrl said:
  Kay said:
Totally agree with you, but it goes with the territory if you put up pics of yourself in next to nothing then your going to get fellas pming or commenting about you , there programmed to do that


Yep - and IMO that kind of behaviour makes it hard for the rest of us to be generally accepted as serious and not out fishing for blokes or comments about our tits or any other bits. To be honest it really burns my ass to see that on here.


I've found the same as Scally - met loads of blokes out and about who are, if nothing else, interested in my interest in hunting and will almost always take the time to stand around and gab about things. But sometimes on here you do get some real tossers. Mostly I just take them with a grain of salt or have a laugh about what they're writing, but some of it does get really OTT.


I think we have all encountered the same culprets :laugh: there given the knock back by one female so they start on another one :laugh:

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Well i like the laugh and yes i like to flirt too. I always have .

I dont think anyone going to change me now. And i wouldnt want them to .

That dont mean am not serious about what i do.

.I love hunting and have met some great people (mostly men)though it.

Yes am one of those ladies who put her piccy up . But hey thats me Am just the friendly open person

who think it is nice to see who you are talking to .

And if anyone took the time to get to know me they would find out

That am not some old tart or a man hater.

Am just me


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  mrs sweepy said:
Well i like the laugh and yes i like to flirt too. I always have .

I dont think anyone going to change me now. And i wouldnt want them to .

That dont mean am not serious about what i do.

.I love hunting and have met some great people (mostly men)though it.

Yes am one of those ladies who put her piccy up . But hey thats me Am just the friendly open person

who think it is nice to see who you are talking to .

And if anyone took the time to get to know me they would find out

That am not some old tart or a man hater.

Am just me




way t go suzt :clapper::toast:

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  ~Hippychick~ said:
Shut up you big penis worshipping, neanderthol, ignoramous. Your a man your opinion counts as NOTHING, NOTHING do you hear.

Now get in that shed make me some shelves :big_boss:

Haven't you got some dishes to do somewhere? Or does your girlfriend do all the 'womanly' stuff......? :whistling:

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Mostly its banter as far as i'm concerned.


I've never really had to worry about being taken seriously with the type of hunting I do as a vast number of mounted folloers with a hunt tend to be female but I follow on foot more often than not and i've always been accepted.


I think on any site where the majority of users are men there will be woman bashing and vise versa. I take comments with a pinch of salt unless its something really derrogatory (sp?).

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  ~Hippychick~ said:
  mad al said:
Why is it that the majority of you on sites like this are so ant-male and seem to take great pleasure in putting the males down? Now the same can be said for us males when the boot is on the foot so to speak at times, but I find the level of feeling almost as if males are considered to be tress-passing to be really high at times and say that there are some really sad cases in the interwebs dog world.


I'm intrigued by it all really, are these folk gay/abused/ill or just plain sad and lonely? Some come across as real "antis" which could be an area for concern if one took some of their drivvle to heart :laugh:


So come on girls enlighten me and fellas feel free to give your opinions too :drink:

Shut up you big penis worshipping, neanderthol, ignoramous. Your a man your opinion counts as NOTHING, NOTHING do you hear.

Now get in that shed make me some shelves :big_boss:





I don't know which is the lesser of the two evils, you or Scally :icon_eek::laugh::drink:

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  ~Hippychick~ said:
Dishes done, floors hoovered, damp dusting, blinds washed, dogs out for a 90 min walk, loads of flully animals killed, gutted, skinned and butchered and in the oven ready for a 7 course lunch.

HOW?..........................................Cos im a woman :tongue2:


I went and checked an earth and managed to make myself a mug of tea............does that count :laugh:

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  ~Hippychick~ said:
  WILF said:
  ~Hippychick~ said:
Dishes done, floors hoovered, damp dusting, blinds washed, dogs out for a 90 min walk, loads of flully animals killed, gutted, skinned and butchered and in the oven ready for a 7 course lunch.

HOW?..........................................Cos im a woman :tongue2:


I went and checked an earth and managed to make myself a mug of tea............does that count :laugh:

Depends, did you make the good lady one also :whistling:


Actually..........I did!!................you can get up off the floor now :D

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  ~Hippychick~ said:
Dishes done, floors hoovered, damp dusting, blinds washed, dogs out for a 90 min walk, loads of flully animals killed, gutted, skinned and butchered and in the oven ready for a 7 course lunch.

HOW?..........................................Cos im a woman :tongue2:

:clapper: Good to hear! :good: Us blokes let you women do all the work,


1) so you can feel good bragging about how you do everything,


2) so you can slag men off for not doing anything, (again, makes you feel good having something to moan about, and us blokes are more thick skinned than we let on!),


& most importantly,


3) us blokes get away with not doing anything, it's worth a few earbashings to have some leisure time, we're not as daft as you think.....! :laugh: :laugh: :thumbs:

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