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Hi this is an attempt to make a decent thread... let me no what you think lmao.. right all you have to do is right a paragraph about you and what you do etc. so here goes,


Hi im will and im 14 this month lol. I live on a farm in beef farm in cornwall and do alot of ferreting. as I have grown up around shooting etc i have never been squeamish and find killing quite easy. Ive been shooting airguns from a young age and enjoy keeping and working ferrets. I have 6 ferrets at the moment (glyn, lil bear, breaka, spot, bandit and nameless) and try to go out a couple times a week with them either on the farm or on other permissions (in season) My and my mate do a fair amount of pigeon shooting with air guns and do the odd bit of rabbit with them aswell. my friend has a nice lurcher which comes out with the stinkers and also does a certain amount on the lamp. I have just started going out with my friends terriers a bit now looking for foxes. Upto now I am sitting waiting for the cover too die back so I can get out rabbiting again.


Thanks for reading and I hope we can get a few more up of other people aswell


ATB will.f11

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Guest hpool_hunter

Im Dale , im 23 , live hartlepool north east uk , work lurchers , have a 19 months old daughter , live with my partner Lorna , work as a store re fitter - when im actually there lol , been on sick but due to go back anytime . thats about it for me im affraid lol im a boring git . :tongue2:

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im frazer, im 19, i live in newtownards n.ireland. i work in a butchers. i have got 1 lurcher, my first but deffently not my last. i also have a staffy, my 2nd and deffently not my last again lol. and i hunt with a man in his 60's. thats me. im a boring git as well





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Guest hyperion

my names pete im 31 and ive been shooting wiyh airguns since i was sixteen and now im just getting going with my mates shotgun and as i write my first lurcher pup is doing his best to remove my toes!


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Im scott im 35 kept ferts(poleys)since i was about 14.Had numerous airguns and shotguns.Currently own a theoben.I work for an insulation company and all i got to say is its a job!!Rather be doing otha things but until i win a considerable amount of cash i will need to keep my job.;( Im also a Rangers supporter sorry manchester lol

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i'm Pops, i'm a dog hunting addict and i don't want to get sober.

i've been hunting w/ dogs off & on since i was 8 and my uncle took me on a hog hunt. despite numerous beatings, i used to take my mom's toy poodle out hunting squirrel w/ a BB gun. been running some kind of dog ever since

i'm 38 in the US Marine Corps. i'm down to one salXgrey. my favorite hunting partners are my daughters (9 & 7). I wisely seduced & married an innocent young girl over 10 years ago (an incredibly good shot too BTW). we also have twin boys (2 1/2).

have 6 or 8 guns (not sure have to count again when I get home) have had as many as 15.

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Hi I'm Tom and I'm an alcoholic :alcoholic: Whoooop's wrong forum :tongue2: I'm 51 been into dogs and guns since I was 9, when I moved from the city to the countryside I kept Jack Russels for 20 years and now have two GSP's (tend to do a lot more shooting now-days) I'm also the Development Officer for The Scottish Association for Countrysports, (volounteer) help with recruitment and the promototion of working dogs and their owners



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I am 18 and have been around fishing, ferrets and ferreting since I can remember but have only started on the others in the last 3 years or so.


I am full time fishery bailiff/groundsman. I do most country sports, sea fishing, course fishing, fly fishing, air rifle shooting, clay shooting, lamping with a useless mongrel lol, main interest is ferreting with nets and my dog. I also beat for two shoots. I have 2 dogs, a wee demented bedlington mongrel and an ancient paterdale. Looking to get a russel pup in the next few months.


HJ :victory:

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