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first duck shoot today and we took the 1 and 1/2 yr old spaniel to a duck shoot. On the first drives a duck was downed very close and i let him off the lead to retrieve. He picked it and came back. Later he seemed to be showing alot of interest in a male dog (trying to hump it nugget :wallbash: :wallbash: ) and after would not retrieve anything and kept rolling on the ducks and mouthing them hmm1.gif . ME and my gramp have shot pigeons and crow before and he has retrieved them. Could this non retrieving bis be to do with the interest in the male dog or because he got too excited (1st time)?? help

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yes that could be it the other male dog could of been kenneled with a bitch thats mybe read to break that what i would put it down to



probably to much distractions ducks dogs and guns lol plus its young mate still learning its trade

Get a duck place your dog on the lead walk a few yards away sit it down then send the dog ..loads of praise if picks and returns ...then try dummy to the left duck to right send the dog for dummy first ..then up the dog and send for the duck trying to make it easy for the dog loads of praise..

Next time your on duck let other dogs pick keeping yours on lead when drive is over try to give an easy retrieve to the dog ...no more than one though so you know the wheels havent fell off...making sure it picks the bird ..then back on lead..


regards Steve

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