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Shotgun Certificate

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  On 20/09/2020 at 22:41, BenBhoy said:

As others have said, just be totally honest/transparent. They know more than you think; I was taken to court by rspca, found not guilty, nowhere near a conviction - Fac application & feo knew all about it.


Cats in wheelie bin or hamster in a microwave? Oh , I forgot, you are a Welshman , oh well , any port in the storm ??

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  On 02/04/2013 at 03:26, ImmortalJellyfish said:

I dont actually have any solid walls in my bedroom (plasterboard) and was wondering if its possible to bolt a gunsafe into the floor? And would the inspecting officer be OK with this?


I live in barn conversion and although I have brick work walls downstairs the bedroom upstairs are timber stud and just plasterboard over 

if you find the studs cut out the plasterboard fit additional stud in line with bolt holes for gun vault using existing stud for the other holes , I then used 100mm timber locks (caution on size of stud on this ) use over sized washers to really clamp the vault to wall , a good impact driver drill and it’s as good as to masonry if not better imo ,I wouldn’t fix to the floor unless you know exactly where your pipes run 


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  On 20/09/2020 at 17:28, <Hoppy> said:

I am 55 years old and I am going to apply for a shotgun licence for clays. When I was 16 years old I got a conviction for ABH. Do I have to put this on my application form. That is my one and only conviction. Thank you in advance.


Even motoring convictions have to be declared. I think cautions as well although I can't remember the wording off the top as a few years since my last renewal. Look at the notes that go along with the form. Be aware, if you fail to declare anything, legal or relevent medical, you may be prosecuted. Safest way is always declare everything you are required to. Take independent advice from a shooting body if unsure if something is relevent. They will obtain your records and so will know everything in advance if you fail to declare. That could count against you on 2 levels: 1. Failing to delare -= possible prosecution, 2. Simple show of lack of honesty by hiding the truth, whcih could be reason for refusal

On the question of what they may ask you, I got asked what I thought about Dunblane and a question on basic safety over when it was safe to take a shot. I guess differring depts ask differing questions. You could regard those as trying to catch you out, but equally if you're a sane person with some knowledge of basic safety it shouldn't be an issue. That said, in my opinion, never regard the FEO as your friend no matter how friendly. Stay professional and distant in dealings with them.

Finally, I'd keep a photocopy of my form. That way you have a record of what you actually delcared and it also comes in handy for reference when filling out renewals.

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