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Madge had a good run

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Kay it's grand she's off lead running now - well done you! She's a beautiful pooch. Love her blanky by the way :laugh:


Mine doesn't have her own blanky but she does have a little teddy who is spared her vengance and is her most favorite companion. She hasn't even pulled it's little ribbon off it's neck yet.




I had the aRSePCA round last week too - my grey has a wound on her shoulder, which was big but it healing nicely, and my nosey curtain twitching neighbour reported me for "having a dog with open sores all over her" :censored: My dogs are very fit and well cared for, I was incenced. But then, when the inspector had a look at the wound she rolled her eyes and said it looked fine. She was here for about 2 mins.

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Woman are the same everywhere.

The hierarchical structure for quality of care in our house is as follows:





Husbands(That's me bringing up the rear) :realmad:


When my dog gets in to trouble the wife warns him, "you do realise if you carry on like that, your dad will be eating his own dinner tonight..."

I didnt treat her right when she was young, now i'm suffering, i was too nice... :black eye: :cray:

Let that be a lesson to you young men.. :diablo:


Men shouldnt be such big babies, yes correct the dog is my main interest followed by the other 4 legged beasties , i am told hourly that i pay the dog to much attention & that she isnt to get on the sofa , i admit she causes a few words to be exchanged , but he as far as i am concerned he knows where the door is :laugh:

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Woman are the same everywhere.

The hierarchical structure for quality of care in our house is as follows:





Husbands(That's me bringing up the rear) :realmad:


When my dog gets in to trouble the wife warns him, "you do realise if you carry on like that, your dad will be eating his own dinner tonight..."

I didnt treat her right when she was young, now i'm suffering, i was too nice... :black eye: :cray:

Let that be a lesson to you young men.. :diablo:


Men shouldnt be such big babies, yes correct the dog is my main interest followed by the other 4 legged beasties , i am told hourly that i pay the dog to much attention & that she isnt to get on the sofa , i admit she causes a few words to be exchanged , but he as far as i am concerned he knows where the door is :laugh:


Good girl Kay! My ex used to complain about my time and attention to the dogs and their fitness etc. It was the last straw in a string of offences ... straight out the door and not getting back in now. Got myself a man who works his dogs now so there will be no fighting over how much time either of us wants to spend with our dogs.

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Woman are the same everywhere.

The hierarchical structure for quality of care in our house is as follows:





Husbands(That's me bringing up the rear) :realmad:


When my dog gets in to trouble the wife warns him, "you do realise if you carry on like that, your dad will be eating his own dinner tonight..."

I didnt treat her right when she was young, now i'm suffering, i was too nice... :black eye: :cray:

Let that be a lesson to you young men.. :diablo:


Men shouldnt be such big babies, yes correct the dog is my main interest followed by the other 4 legged beasties , i am told hourly that i pay the dog to much attention & that she isnt to get on the sofa , i admit she causes a few words to be exchanged , but he as far as i am concerned he knows where the door is :laugh:


Good girl Kay! My ex used to complain about my time and attention to the dogs and their fitness etc. It was the last straw in a string of offences ... straight out the door and not getting back in now. Got myself a man who works his dogs now so there will be no fighting over how much time either of us wants to spend with our dogs.


It goes in one ear & out the other now , there so sencitive arnt they :laugh:

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Woman are the same everywhere.

The hierarchical structure for quality of care in our house is as follows:





Husbands(That's me bringing up the rear) :realmad:


When my dog gets in to trouble the wife warns him, "you do realise if you carry on like that, your dad will be eating his own dinner tonight..."

I didnt treat her right when she was young, now i'm suffering, i was too nice... :black eye: :cray:

Let that be a lesson to you young men.. :diablo:


Men shouldnt be such big babies, yes correct the dog is my main interest followed by the other 4 legged beasties , i am told hourly that i pay the dog to much attention & that she isnt to get on the sofa , i admit she causes a few words to be exchanged , but he as far as i am concerned he knows where the door is :laugh:


Good girl Kay! My ex used to complain about my time and attention to the dogs and their fitness etc. It was the last straw in a string of offences ... straight out the door and not getting back in now. Got myself a man who works his dogs now so there will be no fighting over how much time either of us wants to spend with our dogs.

you girls do moan a bit, :whistling: come give my dogs all the time an atention you like,im just happy to work em, :victory: Edited by ooty
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Woman are the same everywhere.

The hierarchical structure for quality of care in our house is as follows:





Husbands(That's me bringing up the rear) :realmad:


When my dog gets in to trouble the wife warns him, "you do realise if you carry on like that, your dad will be eating his own dinner tonight..."

I didnt treat her right when she was young, now i'm suffering, i was too nice... :black eye: :cray:

Let that be a lesson to you young men.. :diablo:


Men shouldnt be such big babies, yes correct the dog is my main interest followed by the other 4 legged beasties , i am told hourly that i pay the dog to much attention & that she isnt to get on the sofa , i admit she causes a few words to be exchanged , but he as far as i am concerned he knows where the door is :laugh:


Good girl Kay! My ex used to complain about my time and attention to the dogs and their fitness etc. It was the last straw in a string of offences ... straight out the door and not getting back in now. Got myself a man who works his dogs now so there will be no fighting over how much time either of us wants to spend with our dogs.


It goes in one ear & out the other now , there so sencitive arnt they :laugh:


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When we complain about our men doing things that take their attention away from us for too long, it goes in one of their ears, flies unobstructed through their heads and straight out the other ear.


At least we have a little think about things before we decide to ignore them :laugh:

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When we complain about our men doing things that take their attention away from us for too long, it goes in one of their ears, flies unobstructed through their heads and straight out the other ear.


At least we have a little think about things before we decide to ignore them :laugh:

what was that?you say somthing?:icon_eek: Edited by ooty
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When we complain about our men doing things that take their attention away from us for too long, it goes in one of their ears, flies unobstructed through their heads and straight out the other ear.


At least we have a little think about things before we decide to ignore them :laugh:


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i have seen it all now kay :clapper:


She loves to be covered up :laugh: silly dog :laugh:


Aw... she looks like she's smilling in her sleep! They always look soooo content after a big run.


My strange little brindle lurch, used to pull the duvet off our bed and wrap herself up in it!

Well, I thought, I 'm not standing for that, so I have bought her a duvet of her own.


My pup likes our duvet too, but for different reasons.. he does rude things with it!


She was pulling it over her shoulders yesterday but we have had no rude things done to it yet :laugh:

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When we complain about our men doing things that take their attention away from us for too long, it goes in one of their ears, flies unobstructed through their heads and straight out the other ear.


At least we have a little think about things before we decide to ignore them :laugh:

what was that?you say somthing?:icon_eek:


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When we complain about our men doing things that take their attention away from us for too long, it goes in one of their ears, flies unobstructed through their heads and straight out the other ear.


At least we have a little think about things before we decide to ignore them :laugh:

what was that?you say somthing?:icon_eek:


so you was paying attention raelly ;)
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I always pay attention to you Oots ;)
you goin on agian woman? :whistling: anyway just red that thred where you was goin on bout men not takeing woman hunters seriously and just hiting on you,there you go with ya flirty bits,somrtimes i notice some things :tongue2:
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