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Madge had a good run

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No point putting this in the running dog section thats pre occupied :whistling:


So i will put it here :laugh:


I took Madge for a good walk this afternoon & she had her first propper run since i have had her & jesus she can move :blink:


One minor wound on her hock , i managed to stay on my feet this time :icon_redface:


Photos are crap as i cant use the camera properly so there small as i had it on the wrong setting & if i cropped anymore off the pic it would be all distorted




She ran off twice out of eyesight into another field but she came back when she thought i had bugered off :boogie: , were both knackered now :laugh:



She is totally wrecked now bless her :icon_redface::laugh:

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  mad al said:
For feck's sake Kay I thought you'd caught Madonna out for a jog :rolleyes: and what the feck is your mutt (a beaut by the way) dressed in your clothes for in that last pic? :toast::drink:


Cheeky sod :laugh: its a blanket , the blanket i had on me legs last night as i was freezing & she barked at me & put her head on it so i gave it to her :icon_redface:



If i had spotted Madge jogging by my house i wouldnt have bothered my arse posting them on here, straight to the daily mail they would have gone :laugh:

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what kay no pillow :icon_eek::D hope no 1 tellas the R.S.P.C.A. (REALLY,STUPID,PEOPLE,CONCERNING,ANIMALS).they will be down on you (dont even think of commentin darcy :whistling: ) like a ton of bricks. good pics kay :thumbs:


Already had a visit of them earlier this year , they left satisfied :D . the blue things a ferret bed she carted it round for weeks so i chucked in her bed :laugh:

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Good on you Kay,

Us girls like to look after are pooches.

My two have their own room,sofa and telly. :whistling:

And if i go out i always leave the radio on. so they have company. :rolleyes:


And are neighbours had the nerve to complain that we were mistreating them.


Because they are working dogs. :angry:


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  lanesra said:
if i come back as a dog i want to be owned by kay or mrs sweepy..... feck it i just want to be owned by kay or mrs sweepy 8)8)

They would'nt look after us blokes that well mate :laugh::laugh: be in the backyard stuck in a draughty kennel :boogie::boogie:

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  mrs sweepy said:
Good on you Kay,

Us girls like to look after are pooches.

My two have their own room,sofa and telly. :whistling:

And if i go out i always leave the radio on. so they have company. :rolleyes:


And are neighbours had the nerve to complain that we were mistreating them.


Because they are working dogs. :angry:


not just girls that look after there poochers chick, i cant get on me sofa sometimes for pooches and between them they'v about trashed everyting i own,nice pic of that dog ,looks like it can realy open up,babe we all seem to have neigbours that hate dogs iv had a very contented rspca man round cause of em,did have one of my dogs course their cat right through there house upstaires onto the bedroom wardrobe mind :icon_redface::victory: Edited by ooty
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Woman are the same everywhere.

The hierarchical structure for quality of care in our house is as follows:





Husbands(That's me bringing up the rear) :realmad:


When my dog gets in to trouble the wife warns him, "you do realise if you carry on like that, your dad will be eating his own dinner tonight..."

I didnt treat her right when she was young, now i'm suffering, i was too nice... :black eye: :cray:

Let that be a lesson to you young men.. :diablo:

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