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Lost a lurcher pup last sunday ..7mths old 25inchs tts fawn with black mask and black on tail... got out of the yard on the 28th sunday last 5pm and last spoted and 9pm ... I think he was swiped theres 2 lads claiming they have know where he is but ar looking for money for geting him.. i have explained i will pay them to tell me his where abouts and i will fetch the dog myself :gunsmilie::censored: but they say they will get him but want plenty of money...holding me to randsome.. absolutely f*****g guted about the pup...




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Guest hpool_hunter

wudnt be paying the cheeky fookers , would be giving them a slap untill they tell you , then when find out whos got it , give them a bigger one , :censored:


hope you get the pup back mate



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i would tell get him then when they got him give them a good kicking ill help :D


but after the money you paid for the pup why dont yha just pay them and make sure he dont disappear again???

ps contact me

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Well lads i can take in all of the above and have no hesitations on kicking them lads good style... but i think there just taking the piss...they made a call to me saying this is garda ryan here of the local garda station i was baffled but the penny never droped as it sounded so real said a women handed in the dog earlyer today ... so i went down and guess what.. no dog no garda made the call..B***ards of hell.. :censored:

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