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  Jim Grant said:
CJW. Wish I could bake. Your recipe asks for meat to be minced. Where do you get a mincing machine that is less than £350 + VAT?


I used to have a second hand from a butcher who had packed up. Perhaps I should have put a new motor into it. 20/20 hindsight.


If ya look on fleabay theres usually hand mincers for under a £5 :) [just needs a bit of arm and effort ;)]

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I got a cheap plastic hand mincer with a suction pad that sticks to a work top. I think it was £4.99 can't remember where from though, maybe Yorkshire Trading Company.

I use it to mince raw woodpigeon breasts which I then mix with breadcrumbs, chopped onion or chives, or just sprinkle in mixed herbs, and salt and pepper and an egg yolk and then make into burgers.

Kev. :tongue4:

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ive had an old elctric one from argos that was 50 quid and still going strong but i make sausages and burgers and plain old mince fae all my deer we shoot then vacuum pack and label


still 29 quid may seem a lot to some if they just fancy dabblin but if hnad mincer works out then get an electric one


trust me it doesnt sit in back o the cupboard it gets used!!!!!!


rabbit mince bolognaise

venny burgers n sausgaes

venny bolognaise

shepards pie with game mince

even plain old

mince n tatties!!


but ilike the pie and pasties idea sounds easy enuff


nice one

very inspiring thread!!!!!!!!!!!!! :victory:

thank you



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Lidl only seem to get things like that once and thats it.


I've been on the Sausagemaking site and where are a few, hand mincers £30 & £40, big electric one much the same as the one I had for £300 - £450.


I don't know why I hate going onto EBay, but I do.



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just have to keep looking Jim i know it seems they do stuff once n thats it ...but they do repeat!!!!!! just have to keep yer eyes open!!!



they also do an electric food slicer for £29 like they ones you get in a deli counter for slicin cold meats



we hot smoked a whole haunch o venison which we de-boned without slicing it open....


stuffed the cavity with a haggis then hot smoked it with cherry wood chips


result...!!! :clapper:


anybody remeber ham n egg sliced meat on yer school sandwhichs..thin with slice o egg in middle?


turned out like that with the food slicer slice o haggis in middle with cherry colouring from outside in fading in colour


wee drop o mustard on a sandwhich!!! mmmmmmmmm :victory:



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Sauer. I'll keep looking at Lidl, get their stuff through the door each week.


I tend to cold-smoke Venison for a number of days before I hot-smoke it. Being a Scot I have not tried Haggis with it.


Spent a bit of time on the web this afternoon chasing mincers, both electric and manual. Looks like it will be a manual one. For what I want it for, and being a Scot, the half decent electric one are way too dear.

Tried Argos, nothing.

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www.lakeland.co.uk do a plastic hand mincer which has course and fine mincing discs, a cutting blade that tenderises meat and chops onions, plus a pasta attachment for spaghetti, rigatoni and linguine. There's also a nozzle for making sausages. £23.99.

Also a company called Express Gifts have a sight at www.healthhome.co.uk and sell a hand powered meat slicer with adjustable thickness setting. £14.99.

They might be crap though. I only know about them 'cause we print their brochures where I work.

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Kevegg. Won't tell honest.


A good manual mincer is probaby all I need. I would like to mince some of the meat I feed the dogs. I would also like to mince sone of the meat I have reserved for myself . I smoke a bit of meat and would like to turn some on that smoked meat into sausages.


Thanks you all for your suggestions. I think I have been offered the answer. May you all have great fun trying to get the taste you are looking for.



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