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Hi all.


New to the forum and I'm looking to get into airgunning for rabbits. In truth I don't know very much at all about their breeding cycles, but I can remmember as a kid that my old grandad, ( who was a bit of a poacher ), saying that you should never kill a rabbit when there's an "R" in the month to let them breed.


Does this hold true or was he pulling my leg ?, and either way is there a "season" for rabbit hunting ?



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Hello and welcome to the forum,


There may be a little truth in what your old boy told you, but it will be the other way around. If you were not to shoot them with a R in the month then you would be culling during late spring and summer, which is generally the breeding season for a good percentage of wildlife.

I am sure it would have been the other way around, to give them chance to breed.


Rabbits do a good deal of breeding through the spring and summer months but can breed all year round, depending on their habitat, food source and weather.

The female rabbit can also decide weather or not to gestate the embryos or to terminate the pregnancy, taking into the consideration the above factors.


As far as i am aware, there is no season for rabbits. They may be refered to as game but they are a pest species and therefore landowners are obligated to control them. This is done all year round.


Thats about it summed up quickly without getting into it in too much depth.


The main thing is to consider is the laws surrounding airguns and the quarry you are allowed to shoot, getting the correct tool for the job and using it competently, respect for your quarry and despatching humanely and also disposing of the carcass and land to shoot on with permission.


Hope this helps :thumbs:

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There's no season for hunting rabbits but in the interests of sport i only hunt them from this time of year until end of winter when they start breeding saying that some will breed at any time of year if theres plenty about shoot them all year round if you dont they will only get mixy so take them when they are clean all the best.

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Rabbits are better to EAT when there is an R in the month ........ last couple of sessions i've had, they were in fine condition, but i doubt the dog will notice!

Hunt them WHEN there is an R in the month for seasonal rabbits!

Hunt them all year round for pest control. Cheers, D.

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This sort of topic/subject comes up regularly.


Vermin Control and sport seems to blur in many peoples minds....as has been said, there is no season for rabbits and landowners are legally bound to control their numbers.


Vermin controllers will shoot rabbit ALL year, sports shooters don't like to go out when it is too cold :whistling::whistling:

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"landowners are legally bound to control their numbers." ....... that didnt wash with the "anti shooting" lady who ruined a potential good session! She was worried that we would shoot her children who regularly trespassed on the land! Apology followed next morning, maybe i'll leave a brace of fine autumn bunnies on her doorstep, just as a goodwill gesture. :)

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Rabbits can be tacken all year round with an air rifle, theres no closed season and they breed...well....like rabbits. The gestation period is very short (a matter of weeks) and tthe kittens (baby rabbits) are out and about pretty soon after. A haevily pregnant doe is quite obvious through a scope so if your not inclined to take the shot its entirly your choice.


good luck :D

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