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line jills

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I can understand a new ferreter itching to get out and catch rabbits, and also understand that money can be tight to start with buying ferret finders, equipment etc, but please do not use a line on a jill, just think to yourself the twists and turns,tree roots etc in a rabbits warren, think of any ferret with a line tied to it, maybe 200yds of line underground, with you on the end of it, trying to pull a ferret out :no: it would be a bit like the old tom and jerry cartoon of pulling a cat through a "knot hole" but in your case it would'ent be funny


if you cant wait and save up for a locator, then simply, only ferret small warrens, if you happen to loose a ferret, do all you can to find it, leaving live catch traps out and waiting around for a number of hours, even returning the next day, and the next, rather than leaving it be, and putting a lost ferret post up, as you'll not gain many admirers that way


or simply post your location details up, in the hope, that a more experienced ferreter, might take you out on a trip or two

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hi mate if you do by chance lose a ferret in a warren block all the holes up and get back there first light in the morning and take a rabbit with you and put it in a purse net and leave it outside the hole with peg in the ground that should entice it out unless a rabbit is on top of it then you are in trouble and that is where you need a locator and shovel cheers mate DM :victory:

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hi mate if you do by chance lose a ferret in a warren block all the holes up and get back there first light in the morning and take a rabbit with you and put it in a purse net and leave it outside the hole with peg in the ground that should entice it out unless a rabbit is on top of it then you are in trouble and that is where you need a locator and shovel cheers mate DM :victory:




thats what i call good advice cheers mate :notworthy:

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Dont even think about pulling it out with a line :no: you will kill your ferret. I ferret without a locator mainly because if I did have one I wouldnt be able to dig on my ground anyways. if you cant afford a locator, ferret the nice small burries and prepare to wait a while. If you take a few ferrets we usually just leave a box out and block up all the holes, then we will go off and ferret another burrie close by and go back later.

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